The Final Battle

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A/N: the song up top will be what Luna sings later in the chapter. Sabrina Carpenter is the best and you should listen to all of her songs.

The battle of Hogwarts had begun. The Deatheaters came through windows but they were fought off pretty well.

Draco didn't want to hurt anyone so he did simple knockout spells.

He is searching Hogwarts for Luna. He reaches the second floor and finds Neville.

Neville points his wand at Draco.

"I don't want to fight Neville. I want to be a good guy,"Draco says.

"Yeah right, I'm not falling for your tricks, Malfoy,"Neville says.

"Please Neville, I just need to find Luna,"Draco says.

"Why do you want to find Luna,"Neville asked.

"Because I love her,"Draco says Neville looks at Draco like he is crazy.

"DRACO,"somebody screams from behind Draco.

Draco turns to find Luna. She runs towards him and hugs him. She kisses his cheek and doesn't let him go.

"I missed you,"He says clutching her in his arms.

"Are you to together,"Neville questions,"But Malfoy's a Deatheater."

"He's on our side,"Luna says,"He doesn't want to be a bad guy." Draco nodds.

"Okay, fine,"Neville says. "I have to go. I will help when I can but if they find out my father will kill me,"Draco says.

"Be safe,"Luna says and rejoins the battle.

"I need to find a way to get rid of my father,"Draco says and walks out to the front of the school.

Draco looks around with his wand at the ready but then immeadiatly notices Luna once again.

Lucius stands in front of her. Luna's wand has been knocked aside and she's on the ground. Lucius raises his wand but Draco runs towards her.

He throws himself in front of her as she grabs hold of his arm.

"Draco, move out of the way,"Lucius spat. "No,"Draco says. "No,"Lucius says,"You ignorant boy. Stop protecting her."

"Never,"Draco says,"I love her and I won't let you hurt her." Lucius was furious and raised his wand but Draco screamed,"Expelliarmous!"

"You forget I don't need a wand to hurt you,"Lucius says clenching his left hand.

Draco grunts and feels all the breath squeezed from his lungs as his father throws him aside.

"Dementors, kiss,"Lucius orders as Dementors fly towards Luna.

"No,"Draco screams as he raises his wand and aims at the dementors. They start to suck the life out of Luna but Draco yells,"EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

A giant fox leaps from his wand tip and runs towards the dementors.

The Dementors all disappear when the fox runs to them. When they are gone the Fox shrinks and disappears at Luna's touch.

Lucius clenched his fist more as Draco starts to see darkness. "Draco,"Luna screams as she looks at where Lucius is standing.

Neville rushed over to where Lucius and Luna stood. His wand pointed at Lucius.

"AVADA KEDAVRA,"Neville screams at him as Lucius falls down dead.

"Draco,"Luna screams and runs towards him. She lifts his head onto her lap as he try to open his eyes.

"My time has run out. I'm just glad that you're safe,"Draco says. "No, don't say that. You're going to be okay. You can breath now right,"Luna says touching his cheek.

Draco nods but suddenly flinched as Luna looks at his stomach. Blood seeps out of a wound as Luna touches it. Draco winced again and reaches his hand up to Luna's face.

"It's okay, I'm going to heal you,"Luna says as more tears drip from her eyes. "Goodbye Luna, I love you,"Draco says as his eyes slowly close.

"No, Draco. Don't leave me,"Luna says as his hand falls. Luna picks it back up and holds it to her face.

She tried to think about healing him and him be allright.

Luna started to cry some more as the whole world seemed to melt away from her.

Luna started to sing,"They could tear this house down brick by brick but we won't even miss a thing. They said we'd never make it but our hearts won't quit, a never ending fantasy. We could be royalty, king and queen of nowhere. lose it all everything. As long as we are you and I, you and me, they can tear this whole house down."

Luna paused as she wiped tears away and started to sob. She closed her eyes and held Draco's hand in hers.

"All we have is love, all we have is love, all we have is love,"Draco started to sing. Luna's eyes burst open as Draco squeezed her hand.

"You're alive,"Luna said as she looked to his chest that was now rising like normal. "You healed me,"Draco said.

"When shadows and demons are chasing, there's no way that our hearts will be breaking,"Draco sang. Luna joined him,"Cause all we have is love."

Draco smiled at her as a tear fell off of Luna's cheek. Draco lifted his hand and wiped the tears off. "No more crying, I like it when you smile,"Draco said.

Luna smiled as Draco leaned up and kissed her.

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