No officer

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As you walked into the office, your body froze up when you saw the two officers standing at the front desk. Notes in their hands, the female officer spoke up, "Ah I assume you're (Fn/Mn/Ln)?" You spoke up quietly "yes officer.." you looked at her name tag "Lees" you finished. "Were you there on the night of your fathers murder?" Officer Lees asked. "No officer." You anwser.

The two officers stare you down. The taller male is officer Louise. Officer Lees then asked "Where were you on the night of your fathers murder?" "I was at (Y/F/N) house from 4pm to 10am." "Alright Ms. (L/N), we have one more question for you. Do you know anyone who would want to harm your father or your family?" You stare straight ahead with a blank expression "No. I don't know anyone who would want to harm anyone in my family." Officer Lees stood up and sighed, nodded to her partner and said goodbye.

You sighed as you walked to your next class, watching the windows that provided the light you needed to see in the hallways. Your (e/c) orbs opened with surprise when you saw a white mask starring at you behind the slide at the playground. You stopped "What the fuck is that?" You muttered. Quickly taking out your phone to snap a picture, your phone started to freeze once you opened the camera. By the time you got your phone back to normal the mask was no longer there. You grunted in frustration and continued the walk back to class.

You sat back down in your seat with and eye roll and a glare from Jenny. You just put your head down letting your (h/l) (h/c) hair fall over your face as you took out your dark navy blue notebook and started to draw that creepy mask you saw by the slides. You wondered why the mask was drawn that way 'were the constantly supposed to be surprised looking?' You thought. The bell rang as you packed your backpack up slowly, making you the last one to leave the classroom.

You slung your backpack over your shoulder as you walked down the hallways towards the front door to your car. You smiled knowing you'd be home soon, but it soon faltered as Jennys' car came around to yours, throwing rotten eggs at your car and you cackling like a little witch. "Fuck.." you let your head hang low as you attempted to wipe the rotten eggs out of your hair and off your shirt. 'Why can't I just run away and never look back?' You thought as you started up your car and pulled out.

As soon as you got home you threw your bag on the ground in your room and stripped off your now somewhat stiff clothes and stepped into the steaming shower. You smiled and relaxed dipping your head into the water flushing out that disgusting smell, you huffed with delight and you grabbed your (favorite scent) shampoo and body wash and lathered yourself up. You washed yourself off, watching the bubbles slowly slide down your glistening body. Sniffing yourself you became happy with your scent and wrapped yourself up in a fluffy towel, shuffling into your room.

But as soon as you got into your room you froze in your tracks. Your room was torn apart, your window broken, your backpack ripped open with your notebook gone. Your (e/c) eyes watered as you then knew who did this, "The man in the mask." You muttered as you bent down and picked up the remains of your bag, starting to cry. You were lucky your mother was away at her parents house or else she'd hear everything and who knows what would've happened with the masked man. Maybe he would've hurt her or worse. You shivered at the thought.

Not wanting to think any further you sighed and threw on pjs and went to the downstairs couch, grabbing your blanket and pillow. Sitting down on the couch and turning on the tv, you wrapped yourself in your blanket, creating a cocoon around yourself and falling asleep.

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