1. Defense

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Ryo's day started at four am, and could last until midnight. On occasion, she wouldn't return home until two.

She would first make a pot of coffee, and then review her systems to make sure they were all still functional. After that she prepped for school. Books, lunches, and the like were collected and placed in the two bags.

It was then that she woke her younger brother. Yuu would be advancing ahead into middle school pretty soon despite being only eight years of age. As soon as he took the test, he would be accepted into Ouran's middle school.

She couldn't have felt more proud.

"Yuu, time to get up," she called. It wasn't long before the brunette boy stumbled out into the kitchen.

"Morning," he yawned.

Seeing that he was awake enough to prepare himself for the day, she returned to her room. Her laptop was propped open on her desk, tiny squares decorating the screen. Each one represented one of her systems.

The only one she didn't check was Ouran's. She had the rest of the day to monitor it after all.

Ryo pulled on her pale yellow button up shirt and black slacks, making sure nothing was too wrinkled from the wash. She slipped the blue suit jacket over her shoulders and pulled a brush through her dark brown hair.

After securing it into a tight ponytail, she cleaned her rectangle glasses and tucked them into her pocket. With a quick motion she pulled on black leather flats, and hurried to check on her brother's progress.

At the sight of him, she sighed. "Yuu, come on. Get a comb through that mess you call hair."

"Stop," he groaned though a mouthful of cereal. "Your such a mom."

She flicked him the the forehead before continuing to try and tame his mane. At the very least, she wanted it to look somewhat purposeful that it was such a mess.

"You should try to think of a better insult. Being called a mom means I'm doing my job."

With a gentle kick towards his room, Ryo tried to get the boy moving. Luckily for the both of them, Yuu was smart enough to hurry.

He came out wearing his nice black shorts, hunter green shirt and black tie. His hair was no where near as crazed, allowing some peace of mind. With a yawn, he shouldered his bag. With little hesitation Yuu picked up on of his sisters books and began reading through it.

The two siblings locked up their apartment and began the walk to their respective schools. When Yuu moved to leave, she snatched the book away from him.

Her green eyes were quickly covered by her glasses as she began to scan over the text. She sighed at the thought of Yuu joining her class. Thr boy was much too smart for his own good at times.

Ryo stood out slightly among her classmates, as she was the only girl not wearing the yellow dress that adorned the others. Not to mention that she refused to wear heels of any sort.

She navigated the halls with ease, something difficult even for a second year. As she walked, whispers followed her, but she didn't care. They were quick to return to their previous conversations.

With purposeful steps, she made her way into the classroom. Her desk was closest to the door, which was a blessing and curse. People had the tendency to linger closer to the door before class started.

The bell rang, sending the students towards their desks as the teacher walked in. After they greeted the man and attendance was taken, Ryo made sure her things were in order.

"Hisakawa, you're dissmissed." She bowed respectfully to the man before quickly leaving the room. The brunette heard as her classmates whispered, they always had. It was likely they would never stop.

It was her second year after all, and they had yet to fail her.

After grabbing the piles of papers clearly labeled with her name from the teachers lounge, she made her way to the library. Not one of the large ones that the students crowded and filled with noise, but a much smaller one that had been forgotten by the large majority of the school.

Ryo pushed open the door, taking in a deep breath. The smell of worn paper washed over her. She could never quite get over how the smell of paper intoxicated her. The crack of a spine from an unread book was like no other.

This library was her safe zone, and so far no one had broken it. For this she was beyond glad.

With books and work in hand, she made her way to the back corner. With careful movements, she pushed a few books back. After three small clicks, the bookcase spun around. She locked it into place once more and walked down the narrow steps.

They suddenly widened out, and the lights flicked on. Against the wall where various screens, each showing the video feed from the hundreds of hidden cameras in the school. Both inside and outside the campus, this room was the control center of the school.

She sat down in the fancy chair, settling in to watch for any signs of suspicion. Her rectangle frames were pushed up against her nose, clearing up the images displayed. With a small click her laptop opened up a folder filled with various documents. Each file filled with the occurrences of the day.

In a school for the rich, royals, and overall high profile characters, there was a large risk of disaster. It was any criminal's dream job- there were many chances for abductions, theft, or over all damage.

And Ryo Hisakawa was the first part of their defense.

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