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( pic above Persephone"
Persephone's pov.
I push my hair back as I put my bag in my car never thought I'd be doing this again. I think to myself.
" Persephone would you get over here, and give me a hug. I won't be seeing you for a while or perhaps never depending on when you come back" my roommate Ray says as he walks over to me.
" yeah I don't know I'm going back to torture my brothers into playing nice with each other" I say
" yeah I know family stuff just don't let it rule you're life" he says with tears in his eyes.
" oh don't make me cry" I say while hugging him.
" go you my lovely little vampire or your going to miss your flight" he says while pushing me towards my car.
" fine fine I'm going" I say before getting in my car, and driving off. Once at the airport I call Damon.
" what the hell is it" he yells into the phone.
" first off you told me to call you when I get on the plane, and are you drunk or worse a blood high" I whisper yell at him.
" fuck Persephone I didn't know it was you" he says.
" yeah listen I've got to get on the plane so I'll see you when I see you" I say with a smile
" yeah" he says before I hang up. Okay time to put my bitch face on. I walk into the terminal, and half an hour later I'm on the plane heading to Virginia. Why in the fuck do planes have to be so loud I think to myself as a kid starts crying for a toy. Only an hour left keep it together I think to myself as I put my earbuds in. At some point in time I fall asleep, and am awoken as the plane descends. Finally I cheer in my head. Once were allowed to get off the plane I get my luggage, and call Damon back.
" hey big bro you here or am I walking?" I ask while twirling my hair.
" yeah I'm here come outside I'm standing by my car" he says
" k see you soon D" I say while hanging up and walking outside. I see him leaning against his car smirking
" my my little sister you are a vision for the century" he says with a smirk.
" why thank you big brother" I say with a roll of my eyes
" but, when are you going to be on my side again" he says while pouting
" oh dearest brother you never change I'll play nice once you start getting along with Stephen" I say with a smile
" never going to happen especially since he went psycho, and stole an originals family" he says while glaring at me
" I have my ways big D don't worry now we should probably get going" I say while putting my bag in the car, and hoping in. The rest of the ride was silent which was normal when it comes to us.
" D what did you mean when you said Stefan stole someone's family?" I ask while playing with my fingers
" he literally stole coffins with the original hybrids family in it." He says while rolling his eyes
" klaus" I whisper while looking down
" wait P you know him?" He asks while raising his eyebrows
" that was a long time ago D don't worry" I say with a smirk
" fine, but if he hurt you I get to attempt to kill him" he says in a strict tone.
" no D I can fight my own battles anyway let's just worry about Stefan" I say avoiding his eyes. Will klaus recognize me, or just write me off as a familiar face. I guess we'll find out. I think to myself while resting my head on the door. Why must he always cause trouble with him.
" hey P were here I'm not sure if Stefan will come out to see you, but we can always force him to" D says with a smirk.
" play nice" I say as Damon vamp speeds into the house. I follow his lead except I grab my bag first.
" Damon" I yell as I go into the house only to come face to face with the devil herself.
" why hello Persephone how has my coward son been treating you, or were you a smart girl and left him" she asks with a smile.
" STEFAN what the hell is this!" I yell while pointing at her.
" oh she's one of my surprises for Klaus" he says with a smirk.
" meeting now!" I say before walking off.
" what's wrong I thought you were on my side" he says
" I'm not on anyone's side, but trusting that woman is a mistake she is trying to kill her own children how do you not see that's a mistake" I whisper yell at him
" I don't care I just want him gone, and I don't care who I have to hurt to make that happen understood" he says while edging closer to me.
" do not over step your boundaries brother if you learned anything from the fifty years we spent together is that I'm stronger than both of you, and don't you ever forget that" I say while pushing him back as he becomes increasingly pale.
" so don't push me" I say while walking off.
" I forgot how mean you can be little sister" Damon says with a smirk.
" oh, and I hope you have something nice to wear since we're going to a dinner party" Stefan says as he walks away. I huff in annoyance before going upstairs to get ready.

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