Chpater Two:Where am I?

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"Aaaaaaaa!" Caitlyn was falling hundreds of feet but didn't hit the ground. Her brown hair was floating around and she felt the hard ground."Ow!" Caitlyn lifted her self and looked at herself. Her skirt and leggings were torn,her blouse stained with grass and there was a twig in her hair. Caitlyn then realized she wasn't in the library or even Glen Cove any more.

There were tall and large trees and birds chirping. While Glen Cove was a small town out in the country, this forest wasn't like anything like she in the town. Maybe I'm on the outskirts or the book sent miles outside to this forest. Hell, I could be hallucinating and this is all some weird dream. Although I'm pretty sure there was a forest south of the town. Caitlyn has yet to explore the town and its outskirts. Her family, the Kings has just moved into their vacation home, far from their home of LA. Another reason she didn't want to be at home; the unpacked boxes were a representation of her new home.

"First thing first", she muttered pick the twig and leaves out of her hair. "Find shelter. From there,a way home." Even though she had no clue where the nearest town was or even where she was, Caitlyn headed north since the books she read and a camping trip she once had with her family years ago told her north was always the best option. Not to mention,if she was correct and this forest was the one south from her home, north was the best way of getting back to Glen Cove.

Unknown to the world she was in,our brave new heroine set out to find a way home even thought this world seemed like a perfect reality.

So here is the rewrite of Chapter Two! Also I'm gonna post two more rewrites since I will be out of town for next week and will not have my phone! Thanks for the reads and remember: to keep reading!

2.4.20 Update: Hello, hi! I was inspired to finish the rewrites and eventually finish the Snow White tyrant arch and move on to the next story. Also here are some little details I might have missed: Caitlyn is sixteen years old and the story takes place durning the first week of summer break. Glen Cove is a fictional town in Virginia which the closest actual U.S city will be Virginia Beach/Chesapeake. I hope the few of you still reading enjoy! Love YTReader19 📚📕💖💕

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