The Inky Womb

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I see something. A light at the end of the tunnel. I feel strange, something about me is different. As I move through the tunnel I hear voices, voices of the other employees. What has become of us. I am suddenly shot out through the tunnel. To discover that I was inside Joeys monstrous ink machine. I don't know why he created it and I'm not quite sure what it does. I try to move and realize I'm practically imobile. I look down at my self and I realize I can barley see. Everything is covered in ink. I try to wipe the ink off but I can't. It's as if the ink is coming from me. I realized what happened. I am made of ink. I am one of those ink blobs. That man destroyed me mentally and physically. He turned me into a SHAPELESS SLUG. JOEY I WILL GET YOU. I move I try to move the best I can. I am slow but I try and try. This is my final stand I must put up a fight. I move as slow as I am. I continue. I move throughout this studio. I see the place all run down. It has definitly been a few days since I was Susie. Then I see something. It is made of ink. I realize it is borris from the cartoons. Is that what this is. Was he trying to turn us into cartoon characters. I see him, he is scared. I don't care for him. I realize now that this is survival of the fittest. I am running low on ink so I RIP HIS HEART OUT. I saw the life drain from his eyes but I didn't care. His ink made me better. I could move a tiny bit more freely. I knew what I had to do. I keep searching for a new victem until I see it. It was Bendy. So it seemed, but his presence made me realize who it really was. "JOEY" I call out. My voice is mubled and is barely recognizable. I soon realize this was a mistake. That ink demon, Mr. Drew charges at me. I black out and I am back to square one. I am spit back out of the ink machine.

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