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Judgement night pt.5

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Third person's p.o.v.

All of the six boys were now wandering around the hallways in the underground of Taehyung's father's mansion hoping they'll soon come to the middle part of it where the beast is hiding.

J-hope was giving directions to all of the boys that didn't know where to go because the hallways looked all the same.

"Guys I think we're coming to the middle. Jimin stay where you are with Jin, you're a corner away from the middle. V, Bullet, go forward but don't turn left because there's the middle. I'm gonna look how it looks like there." J-hope said and peeked behind the corner. There were seven guards, heavily armed and looking skilled.

"Who are they?" Yoongi asked, seeing through J-hope's camera.

"I think I know those people. They were agents like us but in another organization abroad. I remember reading about one of our organization that completely failed because the agents became the villains. It was maybe a year ago. Taehyung's father must've hired them. He knew who was going to come for him and how he should prepare. Guys, they know our weaknesses and our strenghts." J-hope sighed.

All the boys looked frustrated and without a clue of what should they do next.

Taehyung was thinking hard. He isn't an agent nor a killer but he's smart.

"Can you show me the stats of all of you Kookie?" He asked.

Jungkook nodded and showed Taehyung the board with J-hope's, AgustD's and Bullet's skills. He nodded seriously after looking through every information.

"I think I have a plan."

"What is it?" J-hope asked with a bit of  hope in his voice.

"They know your skills right? So what if you guys try something that you've never tried before." Taehyung announced.

"What the heck do you mean?" AgustD was getting impatient.

"I mean Jungkook is a trained killer so what if he does not kill but rather spy or give directions. Yoongi you're a spy and killer so don't kill but 'cause harm and panic. Hoseok you're gonna be the one who has to kill along with Jimin and Jin. We're gonna do what they won't expect." All the boys were speechless.

Jungkook smiled proudly at his beautiful and smart boyfriend.

"Good one Taehyung. There's only a 20 percent chance we're gonna be succesful but let's give it a shot." Hoseok said.

"What should we do then Bullet?" Jungkook returned his gaze from his boyfriend to the agents in front of them.

"There are seven of them here, seven of them where Hope and AgustD are and seven where Chim and Jin are. I can't fight so Jin or Jimin has to come over-"

"I will fight." Taehyung said determined.

"Heck no. I'm not gonna let you get murdered by those killing machines." Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

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