1. Where it all started.

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     Since I was little I've never met my father.
My father was out of my life and mom was rarely in it. I stayed day and night with my moms grandparents, those are the ones who I called "mama" and "papa" throughout my childhood and still today. I barely saw my mom because since my dad was gone my mom was in charge of me so she worked all night and day. Because she wanted me to have everything I needed.
     Randomly this man out of nowhere kept showing up at my house bringing me presents and money, I was little so of course I didn't know who it is. Until now, that person was my dads brother, Adolfo, he treated me very well. My childhood passed by in mater of no time. Then at age five my little brother Adrian was born, but not from my dad from another man.
        As time passed, I would always see my mom crying. Until one day the man had left, my mom was suffering, but I was too little to understand.

       Then I was around nine years old when my little sister had showed up in my life. But from another dad. 
     I know what y'all thinking like, "what the fuck? Three children and all different dads?" I don't know to be honest that's how my mom chose her life.
    But my mom kept repeating the same problems they kept leaving and mom would cry. This time I asked, "mami porque lloras?" But she would only respond with "nada Mija todo esta bien no te preocupes." But i knew something was wrong and I couldn't let my mom suffer like this.
       We eventually moved houses because the one we had we couldn't afford. My mom had a new boyfriend at this time. He was old, I thought he would be the right man for my mom. He moved in with us, he would buy us so many toys, clothes, and shoes! 
     One day I heard screaming in my moms room. When I walk in I was terrified what I saw that I didn't know what to do...
      My mom was thrown in her closet, the man pushing her in hold a knife to her throat I cried and cried my mom told me "call the police!" It was tragic as a little kid I saw so many things. It was scary especially for a little girl.

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