🍑 Rant 🍑

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Okay guys so this is something I need to say before I continue with this book. A few people have been private messaging me complaining about the fact that I refuse to write certain things.

Okay first off, rape. I REFUSE to write rape between the members. It's disgusting and wrong because I hate showing any of them in a light like that. If you're telling me that you want to read Jungkook raping Namjoon or Jimin raping Jin or whatever then I don't think I want to interact with you.

Second, incest. It's absolutely disgusting and wrong. Sex between family members makes me uncomfortable and therefore I refuse to write about it. If you want incest fanfics then look elsewhere because I'm not providing them.

Third, feminine pronouns. They are MEN no matter how submissive they are. I've been a Jin stan for years now and people calling him princess and eomma is my number one pet peeve about this fanbase. So I feel the same way about the others. They are men. Not princesses.

And finally, female bodies. It makes me uncomfortable okay? Just because the hyungs act submissive in my book doesn't mean their dicks fall off and they suddenly sprout tits and vaginas. Just no. The idea of one of them with a vagina is weird. The concept is weird and I refuse to write about it

So quit bashing me about my decisions for this book otherwise I'll go ahead and delete it if it's causing this much hassle. Someone (not naming names) pmed me asking for a oneshot involving necrophilia!! I swear to God my face was like this

 Someone (not naming names) pmed me asking for a oneshot involving necrophilia!! I swear to God my face was like this

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I will NOT write ANYTHING about necrophilia. That's the most disgusting thing. Worse than incest in my opinion.

Anyway, please stop with the messages. I've already blocked two accounts and I don't want to have to block more 🤦🏻‍♀️

Thank you for reading and sorry it's such a long rant


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