Eternally Tormented

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He runs his long, bony fingers down your chest. His hands are deathly cold. You let out a muffled scream as he steps into the darkness.


The sound of rattling metal echoes through the concrete room. Your heart beats faster with every footstep he takes. A single lamp blinks into life above your chest. It illuminates the room. You see corpses strung from the ceiling with fear etched into their held rotten faces. Blood covers the floor and walls. As the man wheels a tray table full of instruments over to you, you look down and see the crevice that sits on your stomach. You see the blood trickling from the huge scratch. You feel faint. The pain is unbearable.

"Your my next test subject. How much pain can you take before you crumble?"

You scream in terror. He pulls out a scalpel and starts a cut at the the base of your neck. You let out a howl of pain as he drags the scalpel down your bare chest. Blood spurts out all over his face. He laughs as you writhe in agony. He peels back the skin to reveal the muscles beneath.

The blood is gushing out of your chest. He lets out a laugh as he starts to cut through the muscles. The pain is intense. You feel deaths grip as more blood oozes out of your body.

Your tormentor climbs onto the iron slab you rest on.

"How many ribs does the human body have? Why don't we find out?"

He kneels over you and takes a firm grip on one of your ribs. You flinch. Your body is trembling in fear and pain.



Your screams are loud enough to wake the dead. You have lost the feeling in your legs. Your head lightens and more blood flows into the space that used to hold a rib. He holds it in his hands.

"My my aren't you a strong one? The last one died before I peeled his skin away. I'm going to enjoy this!"

How bony face ruptures into a twisted smile, his features resembling those of a corpse. You whimper as he takes hold of the next rib.



He lets out a thundering laugh. Your body is numbing as you feel the lifeblood drain from within you. He looks down at you. His stare penetrates every fibre of your being. Slowly moves his fingers into the pool of blood forming in your chest.

"Taste the life giving substance! feel the pain!"

He drops blood onto your face. It is warm and reeks of metal. You see darkness forming around you.

He grabs the next rib. You brace yourself for even more pain.



You struggle against the heavy chains that bind you to the table. You scream in agony. The light begins to fade. You see your torment frown in anger. He leans towards your ear.

"You have felt the same pain over and over. Your death will not end the pain"

You look into his eyes. They seem familiar. You look over at the corpses. They seem so familiar. He reaches into your chest and tightens his grip on your heart.

"I will see you soon"

He rips out your heart with little effort. You see the lifeless lump that used to be your heart. You realise the corpses around you look exactly like you. All with the same twisted looks of pain.

"Your life may be over but the circle continues....."

The world fades to black as the man laughs. You look down at your blood filled chest cavity and sigh.

Your life is over.


You wake up with a strange sense of de ja vu.

The room is dark. You see the outline of a fresh corpse.

It clicks

The chains

The blood

The bodies

A man approaches. His footsteps echo.

"Welcome to HELL"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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