Chapter 1

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Kamri's pov

"God damn it Jay!" Kai yelled as he chased Jay around the dojo

Oh hey, I'm Kamri. Kai's girlfriend, Now I know what you're thinking

No Kai didn't save me from some attack

In fact we met because of my best friend Jordan, Jay's girlfriend

"Hi Kamri~!" Jordan said hugging me VERY tight

"Ah! Someone who is not Kai is hugging me!" I joked, that was a inside joke me and her have

"Shut up" She said shoving my playfully

I smiled teasingly at her as the boys came over to us after training

"Hello ladies~" Jay said winking and finger snapping at us mostly Jordan

"Hello motormouth" I teased causing the others to laugh

"Hardy har har Kamri"

"I could be a comedian" I said placing a hand on my chest for a dramatic affect

My phone vibrated in my back pocket

"Up well time for me to go" I answered while texting my mom back

"Ahh your parents are so lame! They always make you leave after the guys are done training!" Jordan whined

"That's because they're huge dicks and don't like letting their daughter have any fun because she gets into fist fights all the time" I said sarcastically while crossing my eyes

It's a fact, I do get into a lot of fights

That's why I got suspended from school

A month after it had started

So basically I'm not allowed to go back until May

And it's the middle of September

"I wish you could stay here~ It'd be a lot more fun" Jordan whined

"Yeah for you and Jay maybe~" I said elbowing her while winking

It took her a couple seconds to process what I had said before she turned bright red

"KAMRI!" She yelled hitting my arm multiple times while I laughed

"Wow I was not expecting that from you" Kai said crossing his arms smirking

"Yeah well there's a lot of things you don't know about me"


Like the fact that no one knows that I'm General Kozu's daughter

I can't tell the guys because that's their biggest enemy right now

Other than Pythor trying to unleash the great Devourer of course

Only Jordan knows this and I really hope she doesn't say anything, or my full name

"Come on babe, I'll walk you home" Kai said

"Alright bye guys"

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