Chapter 2

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Third persons pov

*This was on a different day*

Kamri and Jordan circled around each other waiting for the other to strike as the guys watched

Sensai Wu had promised Kamri to teach her the ways of the ninja and she was doing pretty good

Tired of circling around her best friend Jordan launched herself at Kamri causing Kamri to move out of the way

Jordan tried to round-house kick Kamri but Kamri blocked it with one of her arms

That had her self-harm wounds

She winced but continued training

Nobody saw her wince except her boyfriend

"That is enough for today, Well done Kamri you are moving along quite nicely" Wu said stopping the girls

"Thank you Sensai"

Jordan ran up to her friend

"You're doing awesome Kamri!" She said, her bubbly personality showing through

"Yeah it's only a matter of time until you get to kick ass with us" Kai said

"Thanks guys"

"Hey Kam, can I talk to you for a sec?" Kai asked

"Yeah sure" She said as her and Kai walked away from the others

"What's up babe?"

"Are you ok? I saw you wince during training"

"Oh that? It was nothing I just have a bruise on my arm that's all"

Kai looked at his girlfriend skeptically

"'re not lying to me are you?"

"No of course not, why would I lie to you?"

"I know you tend to bottle things up and act like their nothing, So I figured something was up but yet again it could be me being an overprotective boyfriend"

"Yeah~" She said running her fingers through his spiky hair

"KAMRI KAMRI KAMRI!" Jordan yelled running up to the two lovebirds

"Ah Jesus! Who gave Jordan coffee?" Kamri exclaimed

"Nobody did! You know what we all should do tonight?!"

Kamri gave her best friend a look not liking what she was planning

"We should go to a party!"

Kamri's eyes widened

" thanks Jordi I highly doubt my parents would let me" Kamri replies rubbing the back of her neck

"Oh come on Kam it'll be fun!" Jay encouraged


Jordan stared at Kamri with a smirk and her hands in her hips

Kamri stared back with her arms crossed

"Damn it..." Kamri muttered as she lost their little staring contest

"Yes! It's official you're going!" She said hugging her bestie tight

"Ow! Jordan. Jaw." Kamri said rubbing her jaw

"Oops sorry, now go home and get ready! And remember to bring swim clothes" Jordan urged pushing Kamri gently towards the dojo's entrance

Kamri stuck her tongue out while Jordan did the same

'Yeah me wear swim clothes? Not gonna happen'  Kamri thought as she walked inside her house

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