Chapter 1

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It was halfway through Biology when the assistant principal walked in and called the teacher out. The class of freshmen took this as an opportunity to start goofing off, which in my opinion they do anyway. Taking this time to do something productive, I turn to my book and start reading the chapter we're currently on, because we know that I need all the help I can get in this stupid class.

Now, this isn't just a normal biology class. We, quoting our teacher from the beginning of the year, are the "smartest 24 students in our grade." This is the "Physical Science/Biology block class" meaning we do everything the other classes do, in half the time. In the first semester, I was doing perfectly fine, I knew the majority of the material but I have never touched on Biology, so I really am not good at it.

Before even getting off the first page I was already confused but seemed to be saved before I could go any further. Mr. Stiley walked back into the room followed by a girl that I have never seen before. Instead of going back to the front of the room like he usually would, since the doors are in the back, Stiley came towards the back corner where I sit.

"Given this is the only open desk, you will sit here with Ellamae. Give me a second and I will go get you a book, and you have a notebook or notebook paper, right?" Mr. Stiley guides her through the usual new-student procedure. Instead of answering with her voice, she just nods to his final question. "Ellamae, this is Natalia Banks, she will be your new lab partner and this will be lasting for the remainder of the year."

"Ight," I reply, looking curiously at the girl who's been silent so far. Her hair is pastel purple and fades into a pale brown, seemingly her roots. Her nose is like that of a pixie, though it suits her face perfectly, and her pale green eyes are circled with long, dark lashes. In other words, she is absolutely stunning. My eyes travel down her frame, that seems to be taller than me by a few inches even though I am sitting. A dainty ring on her right hand is something that really catches my attention.

I snap out of my thoughts as she sits down and Stiley walks away to get her a book. She seems very timid and is very fidgety, most likely from the fact that the majority of the class is currently starring at her as though she is the first meal they've seen all year. She looks up at me from under her lashes and I shoot her a small, reassuring smile so she could get a bit more comfortable around me.

"Now, Ellamae can help you catch up if needed, even though she does horrible in this class. We aren't that far into the chapter." Stiley sets the book onto her desk.

"Seriously, dude? I'm sitting right here. Tell me to turn my hearing aids off next time you're going to say something like that." I laugh.

"What? It's the truth and you know it," he jokes back and walks away.

After a couple of minutes, Stiley finishes the lessons for today and says that we can have an ELP today since we don't actually have one. After I finish writing down the last of the notes on the board I look up and over and see Natalia looking at me already, so I smile at her.

"I'm sorry if this is an inappropriate thing to ask a stranger, but what did you mean about needing hearing aids?" She asks timidly as I continue smiling.

"I'm mostly deaf in both of my ears so I needed surgery. I still learned ASL because there's always a chance of me no longer being able to hear, even with the hearing aids." This question isn't anything new and it's not something that I am ashamed of because I can still hear and it's not like I've got it the worst in the world.

"Oh," she says, looking away once again, but as though she had an afterthought she turned back. "So your name's Ellamae? I've never heard a name like that, it's beautiful."

"Yeah, it is, and thank you. My full name is actually Ellamae Logan White. My mom chose my first name, which is a combination of my late aunt, Mae, and grandmother, Ella. My dad chose my middle name, which means Little Hollow. Most people call me Ella around here." I look between my notes and the board to make sure that I haven't missed anything, can't ever be too careful. Once I finish with that I turn back to Natalia, "so did you just move here?"

"Yeah," she answered simply. "We got here a few weeks ago."

"Well, how are you liking our small town so far?"

"It's very beautiful, I can say that for sure." She laughs.

"Well, if you think it's beautiful now you should see it in the fall. The roads around the lake always remind me of the fairgrounds in Tennessee during the fall fest."

"Wait, you mean you haven't lived here your whole life, either?" She looks at me with more interest.

"Nope. I moved here in the middle of 4th grade, sort of like you right now, I guess. In my opinion, it's nice here, but I live in a neighborhood that isn't in town and has no teenagers in it." I state, rolling my eyes.

"Oh," she says, turning away, seemingly without anything else to say.

"Can I see your schedule? I want to see if we have any other classes together." I suggest, turning my body towards her. She pulls her folded schedule out of her pencil case and hands it to me after unfolding it. I look over it for a couple of seconds and see that we do in fact have a few other classes together. And that her locker is right next to mine, nice. "Looks like we have Math 1-2, Lit/Comp 9, and Cultural Geography together. Also turns out your locker is right next to mine and we have the same lunch."

"Oh, um, how did you figure out what lunch you have?" She asks timidly.

"Well, it's based on your fourth hour class. Since we both have Math fourth period, we have Lunch A. You'll go there after your third hour class, which we have together and is right beside our lockers." I smile at her.

The exact time I finish talking is when the bell rings. Time to go home, finally. Natalia and I walk to our lockers and after getting my stuff I lock my locker and turn back to her.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Natalia, if you don't know where you're first class is, you can wait here and I can show you if you'd like, we have the same class anyway. But now I've gotta run because my sister will be upset if I'm not out by her car soon." I say farewell and start walking backward since we were at the end of a hallway and there was next to no one around.

"Okay, bye." After that, I turn forward and literally start running down the hall, and once I'm at the end I start sliding instead of running. I turn back around once I hear the most magical sound, Natalia's laughter.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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