Chapter 5- Fourth base fun

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Hey guys, because I wuv you all so much, I'll post part 5 now :)


"Bella...?" I heard a voice that snapped me out of my reverie. Oh shit, I was here now, not back then... "Hi?" someone was shaking me "sorry, zoned out, I guess... Please stop shaking me" Edward sighed with relief, and let me go. After that, I tried to carry on the with the game, but those images kept haunting me... "Rose, truth or dare?"


Chapter 5- Fourth base fun

I looked at Rosalie as she weighed up her options. "Aww fuck it, dare me sister!" I thought, trying to be as devious as possible. Hmm... Think Bella, think! "I dare you to... Go to Jacob's house, and ask him if he has a bra you can borrow... Oh yeah, you have to go naked!" Everyone roared at this, and I felt quite proud of myself. "How naked?" she asked "fourth base" I replied as Emmett added "Rose, everyone's seen it before" Rose slapped him as we all ran round to the garage, and crammed in to her bmw. The drive to LaPush was very quick, she drove more like a maniac than Edward did, and that was saying something. As she was driving, every so often, she would whip off a piece of clothing until she was sitting in the driver's seat naked. Emmett wolf whistled as I for one felt very awkward. She parked a short distance away, and we stayed in the car as she got out. She knocked on the door, but it wasn't Jake that answered... "SHIT!" I heard Rose scream, as we saw Billy Black sitting in the doorway looking stunned at Rosalie's naked body. We all froze for a split second, then me, Alice, Jasper and Edward were laughing in the back as Emmett ran to stand in front of Rose, who was rooted to the spot. "Er, Billy, do you know where Jacob is?" Emmett asked, trying to shield Rose as much as possible. We were still in the back of Rose's car laughing. "Before I say anything, I'd like to know what the hell is going on... Why the hell is there a naked vampire standing in front of me...?" Billy asked, looking not angry, but in awe... Typical man I thought to myself. "Please Billy, just tell us, it's a really long story" Emmett pleaded.

Rosalie's POV

I stood there, stark naked in front of Billy Black. BILLY FREAKIN BLACK! It was bad enough that I was supposed to be doing this so that mongrel Jacob, but that pales completely in comparison to doing it to his father!

Bella's POV

I got out of the car, and walked over to Billy, Emmett and Rose. "Please just tell us where he is Billy, Rose has something she needs to ask him." At that moment, Jake appeared behind Billy and said "it's ok, Dad, I can deal with this". Looking slightly disgruntled to say the least, Billy rolled back in to the house muttering something that sounded distinctly like "freaking weirdos" I stood there for a second thinking about how much I had hurt Jake over making this decision. "Jacob, have you got a bra that I can borrow? I seem to have misplaced mine" Rose chimed, finally moving from behind Emmett. "Sorry, leech, I seem to have misplaced my spare, and I'm wearing my proper one, now GET OFF MY LAND!" With that, Rose and Emmett ran back to the car, and only I remained... Before Jake had time to say anything, I said "Bye Jake" and joined them. When we were back at the house, Rose ran to get dressed, and came back downstairs moaning about what had happened, after awhile she turned in our direction. "Edward, truth or dare?" as she said this, I saw the pained expression in his face as he answered. "Truth" he said clearly.

Truth or Dare With The CullensWhere stories live. Discover now