Chapter 21

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~Time skip: 1 month~

Hyunjoon still wasn't used to not seeing Jacob and Juyeon around in school. However, he's thankful that they're now paying for their actions. He pushed his lunch around then felt someone keep his hand still. "Joonie, you've been spaced out the entire time. Is something wrong?" Hyunjoon looked at Chanhee then shook his head.

"Where are the others? They said they'd be back soon..." Hyunjoon knew exactly what they were planning but couldn't find the heart to tell Chanhee. "Chan." Chanhee hummed in response. "I have something important to tell you." He noticed Chanhee had now turned to face him with a serious face. "The way he looks is intense...Namjesus that's hot." "What is it, Joonie?" Hyunjoon looked around nervously, wondering if now was even a good time to confess. "I just wanted to tell you how great you look today and every day." He noticed Chanhee had started blushing and immediately turned away from him.

Soon the ball rang and they both got up and threw away their trash. "Do I really...?" "Do you really what, Chan?" "Look great every day..." Hyunjoon chuckled then pulled Chanhee closer. "Sure do." He waited for Chanhee to pull away like he always did, but he didn't. "Oh, we're here already." They entered the classroom and waited for the lesson to begin.

"Hyunjoon! Do you wanna come over later today and have a study session with me?" Hyunjoon stared at an excited Chanhee. "I guess so. I don't see why, we both understand the material pretty well." It was then Hyunjoon realized Chanhee's hidden intent. "But uh, wouldn't hurt to review it." "I don't mean to interrupt your little flirt session, but can I borrow Chan?" "By all means, go ahead Sangyeon." Hyunjoon watched as Sangyeon pulled Chanhee over to the other side of the room.


"I'll see you later. I'll call you." Hyunjoon waved as Chanhee took off towards home. "You two are so cute. I wish I had a lover." Hyunjoon rolled his eyes as he walked back to his locker. "How are things with Youngjae?" "Eh, they're okay. He's talkative and loves to send random pics of Pokémon. I never knew how many memes there were out there regarding Pokémon." Hyunjoon chuckled and closed his locker as Kevin went on about the memes.

Hyunjoon walked up the steps to his front door then stopped as his ringtone went off. "Sups." "Are you home yet?" "Maybe. Do you want me to come over now?" "Yeah." He hung up then checked the time in his phone. "When you spend time with Kevin, time doesn't seem to exist..." he thought as he made his way over to Chanhee's. He rang the doorbell and was soon greeted by a bubbly Chanhee.

"Your mom isn't here?" "No. She suddenly left saying there was important work to do. Sometimes I wonder if she's just going out to meet guys." They both chuckled then Chanhee pulled out his Physics textbook. They read over the summary of the unit they were learning. "This is a boring unit." Hyunjoon waited for a reply from Chanhee, but he seemed more interested in the book than him. Hyunjoon took a sip from the cup of water and checked his phone.

"Hey! You should be studying..." Hyunjoon sighed as he put his phone down. "Then recite that entire page. You haven't moved on from that page for about 4 minutes now." He waited for Chanhee to recite it, but he remained silent. "You clearly aren't studying either. Whatever you're thinking about, get rid of it and focus." They continued to study in silence until Chanhee suddenly stood up. "I'm sure you're hungry. I'll go make something." "You don't have to." "I want to." Hyunjoon nodded then picked up his phone again.

Chanhee placed a few side dishes on the coffee table along with two bowls of rice. "It's just leftovers. I hope you don't mind." "Food is food. Unless it's poisoned or rotten." They quietly ate as Chanhee put on some music. "Joonie." "Yeah?" "Can you close your eyes? There's something I don't want you to see..." Hyunjoon raised an eyebrow but complied. While his eyes were closed, he heard the music playing and the sound of Chanhee moving. He felt something soft touch his lips then eventually disappear. "You can open your eyes." Hyunjoon did as he was told and felt Chanhee hold his hands.

"So, what did you do?" He felt Chanhee's grip tighten then slowly lowered his head. Hyunjoon lifted up his head and saw that he was blushing. "So, that soft feeling. Was that a kiss?" "N-No..." "You're lying." Chanhee sighed then nodded. "Tell me, why did you kiss me?" He noticed Chanhee looked scared, so he decided to step back a bit. "Then, at least let's have a proper kiss. If you want to, that is." "Okay..." Hyunjoon closed the gap between them as he placed his lips on Chanhee's. He gently asked for entrance and was surprised at how quickly Chanhee had given in.

a/n: don't forget to vote, share and comment!

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