god I hate rules, don't you?
k'ay good then we can make this simple!
rule #1 — make sure to tell us before you start sending us art if you want to be in the contest!
rule #2— no hate is allowed in this book, we are a supportive page and don't want any one fighting, especially if it's about someone's art, this is the only thing I'll be really upset about unless I've find that you have copied or stolen art from someone.
and rule #3— I know this is cheesy but please have fun with your art work! it's so important for every artist to actually like and have fun with their piece of art so don't stress if you don't think you can't finish in time I'll make sure if you check up with me that we won't end the contest without you!
okay now for the contest joining part, though I'm going to make another chapter for this ill give a brief.
Age— (optional)
Genre of Piece— (depends on the contest you pick)
Which Contest you'd like to enter—
and that's about it, I'll brief with my fellow admin about it later.
the art book
Randomtime for you guys to show off your awesome work and compete for prizes! -mattie the admin