Chapter 1: Hell On Earth

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I look at the Spider Mastermind that is struggling to get up I run towards it, stick the BFG-9000 in it's mouth ad fire. I am launched back a couple of feet by the blast. I look back at the beast to see that it has a giant hole in its head.

I stand there for a minute thinking about what to do now when I am immediately covered in blue electricity and am teleported somewhere

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I stand there for a minute thinking about what to do now when I am immediately covered in blue electricity and am teleported somewhere.


I cannot move but I can look around. I am in a broken room judging by the sparks flying from the torn apart wires in the ceiling. I see Samuel Hayden come out from the shadows of the dark room.

Samuel Hayden " You've won - it's over. You stopped the invasion and closed the portal. But it's come at a price - Argent, VEGA. This entire operation. You see, I've watched you work - come to understand your motivation. You think the only way is to kill them all - leave nothing behind - and you may be right. But we can't just shut it all down. Without Argent Energy it will be worse. I don't expect you to agree."

I don't agree and I want to break out of my binds and crush his head in with my foot but I can't move. He then takes the Crucible and this pushes me further towards the edge of wanting to kill him yet I still cannot move but my binds are breaking slowly but surely.

Hayden " But with this we can continue our work. I am not the villain in this story. I do what I do because there is no choice."

I then break out of my binds surprising Samuel. I run at him shove him to the ground as he drops the Crucible. I pick it up and go to step on his head but I am teleported away before I could do so.


I see electricity before it fades away. I look around me and see that I'm in a small shed?

Y/N 'Where the hell am I?'

I look for a way to get out of the shed when I see the door, but what catches my eye more is the strange spikes that are everywhere. They seem to be glowing shades of red and could be of demon origin. This worries me as it seems I am on Earth, looking at the architecture, and there is demon presence. Could there have been a portal opened here too? Whatever looks like my job isn't finished just yet. I pull out my Combat Shotgun and burst out the door of the shed. As I get outside the shed I see a lot more of those spikes everywhere and the house that the shed belongs to is destroyed. I get to the hill that is behind the shed to get a better view of the area and I see the entire town covered in spikes and fire.

 I get to the hill that is behind the shed to get a better view of the area and I see the entire town covered in spikes and fire

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(Ignore the test server in the top I had to take the screenshot myself and couldn't find one without it)

Y/N 'Man... this shit is crazier than the stuff on Mars. What exactly am I fighting?'

I start to jog into the town to start dealing with the problem and to see what happened I hear gunshots in the distance and I head straight towards the fighting with my shotgun out ready to kill some demons.


I get to the area where the gunfire is to see a women with red hair about to get pummeled by  large beast, one man trying his best to mow down the spiked demons but he is failing and a man dress similar to the turret man but with a sniper rifle and he is battling a smaller one that snuck up on him. At first I am happy to see other people  but then I pull out my shotgun and go to attack the large beast I jump on it's back and shoot it in the back blowing a hole through it's torso. The red headed women stares at me in disbelief before picking up herself and rifle while I pull out my Heavy Assault Rifle and equip the rocket attachment and fire unlimited rockets at them.

Redhead "Whoa,  where did you get that type of weaponry."

I don't answer her I just keep killing these demons. One gets past my gunfire and goes to hit me with it's claws but I grab it, tear off one of its spikes on its back and decapitate it with the spike. Soon me the redhead, the turret man, and the sniper are surrounded by bodies some torn to shreds, others missing parts and limbs.

Turret Man "What the fuck are you?"

Redhead "Well... I guess mission complete we cleared out the area of infected. Let's get back to base with our new ally."

Sniper Man "How do we know we can trust him, he could be with the White Mask!"

Turret Man now aiming his turret at me "WELL ARE YOU WITH THE WHITE MASK!"

I just shake my head no and raise my hands to show that I'm no threat. They seem to understand that I cannot talk. I haven't talked in a few thousand years so I don't think it is actually possible for me to. 

Redhead "Well he can't talk so how do we know if we can trust him or not."

Sniper Man "Looking at his armor and the weapon he was using clearly shows that he is not with the White Mask."

Turret Man "Yes but where are you from if you don't belong to the White Mask?"

The the redhead pulls out a little paper that shows all the flags of each country on Earth with their names underneath. I remember that my father has once said before that our family is of Polish decent and so I point to the flag that belongs to the name Poland.

Redhead "Ah, so you are one of the new Polish recruits. Welcome to Team Rainbow you must be a hell of a good fighter if they sent you as our reinforcements."

Turret "He must be. Just look at the mess he caused with the infected."

Sniper "Yes well as we walk back we should introduce ourselves. I am Glaz."

Redhead "Ash, I'm the leader of this squad along with most squads I'm on."

Turret "Nice ego comrade. I am Tachanka."

Ash "Hey! Anyway, here is something so you can write you name."

She hands me a piece of paper and a pen. I write down the only name I can remember being given 'Doom Slayer'.

Glaz "Well comrade... it fits to say the least." he looks back at the Glory Kills I did to the infected as they call them.

The rest of the walk is silent.


We all get to the gate and Ash, Glaz, and Tachanka show the guards their ID's and they go to the disinfecting shower before heading into the base.

Guard "Hello sir, I'd like to see your ID please?"

I just look at him and then look at the others who were watching to see what would happen.

Ash "He's with us."

Guard "OK carry on."

I walk to the showers and wash the blood and guts off of my armor before heading to my new life.

Rainbow Six Siege:The Doom Slayer (Doom Male Reader X Rainbow Six Siege)Where stories live. Discover now