Chapter 5

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I woke up to Ella screaming once I calmed her down I felt her forehead and she was burning up I stood up and put some clothes on the I put some clothes on Ella and walked downstairs where I saw Grey I shook my head and opened the door to go outsside when I got outside I put Ella in her booster seat then I got in the car I was about to drive away until Grey stopped me he got in the car and said

"where are you going" I pull out my phone and typed 'the hospital why'

"why are you going to the hoppital"

'Ella's sick she has a high fever so I'm taking her to the hospital to see what's wrong with her'

"I'm coming with you"

'it's fine you don't need to'

"I know but I want to"


he buckled his seat belt while I was driving we arrived at the hospital I gave them Ella's information then waited to be called back It would have taken longer if Grey wasn't here they call her name and we followed the nurse to the back she told us to wait for the doctor while waiting Ella woke up and got scared she didn't know where we were I calmed her by humming a soft tune she stopped crying and the doctor came in

"hello I'm Dr.lee what seems to be the problem today"

I was about to say something until Grey spoke up and I'm happy that he did "well Ella has a high fever and she's been crying it seems she's in pain"

"hmm let me run a few tests to see whats going on just wait here and I'll be back"

I nodded my head and him he left after waiting for 30 minutes he came back "ok it seems you daughter has the flu she'll be fine in a couple of days just keep her on a liquid diet for 4 days and give her this medicine and she'll be fine" he said handing me the medicine I nodded my head and we left out of the hospital went in the car and went home

"bella are you ok you look pale"

'I'm fine' I typed then I took Ella in the kitchen made us both some soup to eat after finish eating I gave her medicine then put her in her room for her nap I went to my room only to see Grey sitting on my bed I walked to my bed and layed down and put cover on me Grey layed down next to me I layed on his chest

"bella your burning up are sure your ok" I nodded my head then went to sleep

I woke up to Grey poking my face "here take this medicine and eat this soup" I shook my head now but took the medicine

"come on you have to eat something"

'I can't I'll only throw it up'

"at least try"


I ate a few spoons then my stomach felt uneasy I ran to the bathroom and emptied my stomach out Grey was holding my hair while I emptied my guts after I was done I washed my mouth out and brushed my teeth

"come on let's get you to bed"

I shook my head 'I can't I have to take care of Ella' I typed

"don't worry your mom is taking care of her now let me take care of you" I nodded my head he kissed my temple I layed down and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't he was about to leave but I made him sit with me

'can you watch a movie with me' I typed

"sure what movie do you want to watch"


"seriously" I nodded my head

"ok fine" he put the movie in and layed next to me while we watched the movie

The movie finished and I was bored again "how about we play a game to get to know each other"

'ok' I nodded my head

"20 question"

'you first then'

"why don't you want to move with me?"

'I do but I'm too scared'

"Why I won't hurt you"
'I barely know you what happens if we get in a fight then you'll ask me to move out'

"I would never do that I like you too much fight or not I would never kick you out I promise" I nodded my head

'you said you work so what do you do'

"If I tell have to promise not to freak out or get mad"

'I promise'

"I'm a mafia leader but I also own alot of buisnesses all around the world I only kill bad people I promise"

'why do you kill'

"I have alot of enimies who want to hurt me if they found out about you they would try to hurt you to get to me I'm sorry I didn't tell you"

'It's ok I get I still haven't told you my secret'

"will you go on a date with me" I nodded my head

'what kind of buisnesses do you have'

"I own hotels, fight clubs, clubs, bars and alot of other things"

"will you move in with me"

'ok but promise you won't break my heart'

"I promise if you promise the same for me"

'I promise'


'But what about Zack doesn't he need you and your here with me'

"He's with my sister Gabby"

'You have a sister'

"Yes she goes to a different school she goes to a school for smart ass people" I chuckled shaking my head

'Will I meet here"

"One day now will you go to sleep"

'I'm not tired actually I'm hungry'

"ok I'll get you some soup" I nodded my head and waited for him to come back

Grey walks in with a tray of food he handed me the tray I looked at it and saw soup, Juice, soda, crackers, fruit, and toast

'thank you' I started eating while we kept talking about random things

'what's your sister like'

"Which one"


"Lilly she's awesome she 3 and she loves the beach, dancing, swimming, and drawing"

'why don't you ever take her with you'

"she's sweet but she's also a handful"

'maybe she acts like that because you never take her out'


'what's wrong'

"she reminds me of my mom she's just like her stubborn to"

'your mom would have been proud of you'

"thanks now go to sleep"

'will you lay with me please'

"of course"

I sat the tray down next to me change my clothes and layed down 'goodnight Grey'

"goodnight Bella"

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