Part four~

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Part four~

Going out of consciousness of the tranquilliser felt like I was flying. Flying and drowning at the same time. I can still feel the sorrow and it makes me drown so much faster. It feels like I can't breath, like being somewhere between life and death.

No relief, no relief at all. And then suddenly I see him.

"REITA!!!" I yell and run towards him.

He opens his arms for me and embrace me. I silently start to cry in his arms.

"Rei...Reita... Are we dead?" I ask.

Reita kisses my hair.

"No, you are just dreaming, but you have to wake up now..." He whisper against my forehead.

"I don't want to..."

The feeling of being in Reitas arms again makes me feel so good.

"No have to wake up.."


"Ruki! Wake up!" He shouts and all sudden I can see the light of the hospital ceiling again.

Three doctors are standing around me.

"Fast, give that to me!" One of them say to the another.

I see her give him a knife and I feel a terrible pain.

"AHH!!!!!" I scream and the doctors attention are towards me.

"We succeed!" They shout happily.

"Give him pain killers."

One of the doctors give me a needle with pain killing and fast the terrible pain fades away.

"Ruki? How are you feeling?" One of them asks.

"Tired.." I answer.

Except the sorrow I just feel a little tired.

"I understand, the nurse gave you a too big dose tranquilliser and would might have died if we didn't wake you up, and we fixed a wound you got from the broken glass too. We are going to put you in a room for you to rest now, mr Kai is here too."

The female doctor start to surge the bier I am lying at out of the room and down a corridor. The walls are barren white and dull to look at.

She surge it into a room I will share with five other people. The room has a small corridor and against the walls it hangs draperies that makes six small "rooms". She puts me in one of these small "rooms" and tells me that Kai is coming in a few minutes most likely.

I can't do anything else than lying in my bed and wait for him.

My thoughts are directed towards Reita right now.

"Has he survived? If he has, where is he now?" I ask myself.


Around the drapery next to me bed Kai looks at me.

"Kai? Why are you there?"

He lights up.

"Someone you know is also here." He says and pulls the drapery away.

"REITA!!!!!!" I shout happy.

He is awake, but barely. He smiles at me.

"Hey Ruki... How are you doing?" He asks. He is to weak to talk so his words comes out as a whisper.

"I am doing so much better, I just feel a little tired and I have some pain after they fixed a wound. You then?"

Reitas smile disappear.

"Not good at all. I might not survive..."

His words brings tears to my eyes and before I know it I have start to cry again.

"Sorry Reita, everything's my fault!" I sob.

"No Ruki, it's not your fault! It was me who was driving past that truck without watching the road. Don't blame yourself!"

"Yes Reita! There is one thing I haven't told you! And if I told you earlier this would never have happened!"

Kai is just staying silent, looking down at his feet.

Reita is confused, and I am just crying harder.

"Ruki.., what do you mean? What haven't you told me?"

I gather all my courage and tells him everything about my anxiety, that it's not dangerous and that I've been too weak to tell him about it. He listens silently and stays silent after I'm done speaking.

"Reita? Are you mad?"I ask him, afraid of that I've made him upset or mad.

"No Ruki, I am not mad at all, I am just upset that you haven't told me about it. I could have tried to help you, but that is nothing to care about now, the only thing I have to care about is to survive, it looks like you have had luck." He answer.

"Where did you get hurt?" I ask.

He has a lot of pipes here and there, in his hands, mouth, nose and he even has morphine.

"Well, I broke some ribs, and one of them pierced my lung, one of my kidney got crossed, so if I want to survive I need someone who give me a new one, but I have a very different blood type, and there is no one who can give me one, I scratched my liver, but that is the smallest wound. If I don't get a new kidney soon I might die. "

I don't say anything, I still blame myself. If I told him sooner this would never happen. He wouldn't risk to die, it's my fault.

"Guys, both of you are gonna make this, it's no ones fault, done is done and life goes on, okay?" Kai says to cheer us up.

"Yeah, we are gonna make this." Reita agrees and I only nod.

A doctor enters the room.

"Hey Ruki! You will sleep here tonight, and tomorrow you can you home, but you have to rest a lot, and daily cleaning your wound, but wash your hands before!" He says.

I nod.

"Good, you should try to sleep now." He says and exits the room again.

I have nothing more to say. I gaze Reita who has fallen asleep before I fall asleep myself...

To be continued...

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