Catching up

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Baekhyun's mind is racing with countless unanswered questions and thoughts, his body unmoving and his heart pulsating erratically in his chest, but under his breath he manages to utter, "Hera?..."

He thought that maybe some god up above had granted his longing wish.


This is very unexpected and she doesn't know what to say, or do.

The moment is very tense. Even Eun stands still, unmoving, hiding behind his mother's figure. But he's completely clueless as to what's going on between the two adults.

Hera freezes at the sound of his soft voice. It's been years since she last heard his voice. She is surprised at how much she misses the sound of it, and how her name smoothly rolls off his tongue.

Hera can hear her own heartbeat and the way it drastically quickens in pace. She stares at the floor, like it's the most interesting thing there.

Instead of answering, she finds herself flashing back to last time they saw each other and, of course, their last goodbye. She blinks hard, executing the unforgettable memories playing in her head.

"Baekhyun." His name slips through her lips in a breath of air when she finally finds her voice. Baekhyun's heart skips a beat when he hears his name.

"It's been a while." Hera takes a deep breath in, trying to calm her own nerves. She finally lifts her head up to look at him, after trying to avoid eye contact from the start.

Baekhyun notices the bags and greys which look like shadows, resting beneath her eyes. She looks exhausted and drained. But as always, she's still beautiful, stunning and regal, just like he remembers her to be. Nonetheless, her beauty never fails to mesmerise him and leave him speechless

"It has, hasn't it?" He clears his throat. "Well, how've you been?" Baekhyun tries to put on his best impression of a smile, even if it hurts.

Although he's happy to see her, questions start to occupy his mind.
So, this boy is her son? Who's the father? When did she move back? What? Why? Though he's curious as well as concerned, he's not sure if he's capable of asking her all of those questions right now because it pains him to even think about it.

Because his love for her had never wavered, after all those years.

His fingers twitch, wanting to reach out and touch her, to verify if she's real, to confirm if she's truly there right in front of him, that it isn't just his mind playing tricks on him.

"Fine," she says simply, yet for a moment her voice seems like it's caught in her throat. Hera swallows thickly, unsure of what else she should say.

"So, Eun is your son?" Baekhyun mutters and his voice quivers with uncertainty for a split second

Hera lowers her head meekly and looks at Eun. "Yeah," she mumbles under her breath.

Suddenly, she feels tears pool at the corners of her eyes. Hera bites down on her blossom soft lip, suppressing her tears from streaming down her cheeks.

She feels Eun loosen his grip on her leg, his innocent eyes, peering up at her sleepily mixed with a hint of concern. Hera pats his head in a soothing manner and she smiles lovingly at him.

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