Chapter 7

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Thanks for reading, voting and commenting everyone, I should continue updating daily so stay tuned! :D

Zayn's POV

The fair was so huge it expanded across the entirety of the park. I never knew there were so many things that could constitute a society within the university. The first few I saw were mountain climbers, zorb ballers, ultimate frisbee players and tiddlywink society! They were so varied and I wanted to see them all!

But the best thing that caught my eye was the dominos pizza tent right near the entrance. Free pizza was flooding into the crowds of students who were eagerly clawing towards the front to get some. Before I could express my excitement to Louis he was already running over to join the crowds. He even managed to weasel himself into the front and grab a couple of slices. I was running over too and by the time I got there he had already escaped with two slices for each of us.

“Dude you were so quick in there!” I mumbled as I chowed down on the pizza.

“You just have to be ruthless, people were arguing in the middle over who got the first slice!” Louis did well to get us these, even though we had literally just eaten at Subway.

I guess this was our lives as students now. Claiming as much free food as possible and eating it regardless of whether our stomachs require it because who knows when the next meal would be heading our way.

We walked towards the nearest stalls now to start signing up to things we probably won't even continue with. The people advertising the societies were so persuasive and enthusiastic about everything that it was hard to say no when they got talking to you.

After signing up for a bunch of random things and loosing Louis, I headed over to what looked like an arty stall. There were a lot of cool images behind the tables and the people seemed less 'in your face' so it looked promising.

I talked to the girl at one of the tables and she explained that if you want to do anything arty you just sign up to 'LondonArt' and you get put on some mailing list with opportunities from all areas of art within the uni which sounded great. So I finally found a worthwhile society to join.

I thought about calling it a day, so I turned around and began searching for Louis. I was just crossing the path when I stumbled into someone who appeared from nowhere.

“Woah sorry, I didn't mean to..” I started to apologise and then froze. It was Liam! What are the chances of this happening. Of all the probabilistic events that may have occurred today, this would have been so far down on the list that it wouldn't even need mentioning. But it happened! And I've just stood silently staring at him for about a minute. Great.

“Hey Zayn, don't worry about it. It's good to see you again,” His voice was just as I had remembered. Sultry and silky, with nothing but reassurance and warmth. I wanted him to just keep talking and I would listen forever but it was my turn to speak.

“Yeah nice to see you too, it's so busy here you must be like the fourth person I've knocked into,” I brushed off the embarrassment better than when I was inebriated last night.

“Or maybe you're just clumsy,” Liam winked at me. He just winked at me. That was definitely a wink. I can't believe he just winked, right at me! I'm almost hyperventilating, I need to relax. Keep it together.

I just laughed at him and probably looked really shy and dumb. “Have you signed up to anything cool then?” I tried to change conversations quickly.

“Oh yeah, I joined the DJ society and gigging society. Hopefully that will give me a chance to start performing more in the area, how about you?” It was cute how excited he got when he was talking about music.

“I just joined the LondonArt society which looks cool, they send out information about upcoming exhibits and workshops.” He was smiling as I spoke which made me smile. Hopefully it wasn't too awkward but I couldn't help myself from enjoying talking to him.

Just as I'd finished Louis came bounding up behind Liam and joined in our conversation.

“Liam, this is Louis. We met on the train down to London yesterday,” I introduced Louis who did a little wave.

“How's it going man?” Louis spoke politely but giddily. He must've signed up to some weird things whilst we were apart.

“Things are good thanks, I just bumped into Zayn here and got talking.” Liam looked my way and smiled again.

“Hang on a minute, are you the friend that I helped out of the club last night?” Louis' eyes widened as though he'd been caught red handed.

“Ah yeah, thanks for that. I guess I was too much for Zayn to handle!” He tried to laugh it off but Liam just seemed amused at Louis' helplessness from last night.

“Well yeah, I couldn't drag you away from your wife!” I gave Louis a menacing look and raised my eyebrows in disapproval. But he just looked at his shoes in embarrassment.

“The best comes out of us when we're drunk eh!” Liam laughed out loud this time. Diffusing the awkwardness very well. I just seemed to gaze into Liam's eyes though and admired his warm chocolate pools. They glistened in the sun as he tilted his head back laughing, which showed off the birthmark on his neck a little more which was so damn cute!

Louis was looking at me and when I finally realised what I was doing. I dragged my eyes off of Liam and looked at him expectantly. Louis just raised an eyebrow and looked away confused.

He just caught me staring at Liam. Now he's going to think something was up! I tried to dodge it.

“Well, I'm done with all this hustle and bustle now, I'd like to go back to the flat and take a nap. I definitely need to catch up on sleep!” I tried to make a getaway and luckily Louis complied.

“Yeah me too actually, it was nice meeting you Liam. Maybe we'll see you around again.” Louis shook Liam's hand and started to turn around.

“You too Louis, bye. See you around Zayn.” Liam flashed an adorable smile and walked off.

“Bye!” I half squealed which made me look like a big girl. Here comes the third degree from Louis.

“What was all that about Zayn?!” Louis just seemed bewildered.

“Can we talk about it back at college, I'd be more comfortable there.” I gestured for us to keep walking rather than me explain this odd situation amidst the huge crows.

“Yeah sure..” Louis was still dazed, I hoped he was ready for our next conversation.

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