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        Racing down the street with he's code threes blaring Mason was about 10sec from panicking, "Fuck I need to get to the store before they close!" He knew he could possibly get in trouble for running code threes for a non-emergency but this was important. The day started out normal and he thought he would have enough time after his shift to swing by the store and pick up the box but the day got crazy and time slipped away, as it does in this city. Mason drifts into a parking spot in front of the store, to much in a hurry to notice the skill it took to slide into the spot, he rushes in with only 10min to spare and waiting at the counter is the sales guy smiling at him holding a little bag, "And here I thought you weren't going to make it" he chuckled. "Don't underestimate a man on a mission" Mason smiled back, grabbed the bag, ran out of the store and hopped back in his cruiser. He sat there with the bag on his lap just staring at it, "All this for you...." he took the little black box out of the bag and held it in his hand. Mason was just about to open it when he the radio squawked to life, '259 could you met me at Mission Row', it was Dazzler, what does he want? He knows I have plans tonight and with that thought Mason put the black box back in the bag, sat it in the seat next to him and starts the engine. 

     Mason pulls into Mission Row, "Jerry! Take my car......" Jerry pops he's head out of the garage, "What do you say?" Mason sighs "....Please......dad." Jerry walking out wiping his hands off on a rag, "Now that's better and it didn't hurt you." Mason just laughed and walked towards the entrance to Mission Row. As he approach the front doors he could see Dazzler standing there waiting, 'What does he want now, I'm going to be late' Mason said in his head, don't get me wrong I love that guy but tonight of all nights is a night to not be late. "You wanted to talk to me Daz?" Johnny cleared his throat, "In the office" and he turned and walked into the office, "Is this going to take long cause I kinda have some where I need to be and I haven't even changed clothes yet." Mason said as he followed his friend into the office. Dazzler stopped in the middle of the room and faced Mason, "So I've heard something and I just wanted to ask you if it's true." Crap what has he heard? "Go on.." said Mason as he braced for the question. "So someone told me that they saw you at a certain type of store about a month ago and that they also saw you there today picking up a bag. Now as your best friend I was thinking 'Now why would my best friend in the world be doing at this store?'" Mason put his hands over his face and let out a huge sigh "Yes Daz I was at that store but I only didn't tell you because there are some secrets I just want to keep but I was going to tell you later, I promise." Johnny raised and eyebrow "So it's true? And it's happening tonight?" Mason put his hand on his friend's shoulder "Yes and the sooner I get out of here the better." Dazzler chuckled "Then why are you still here?" Mason could have sucker punched him for this but he just turned and ran to the locker room to change.

     "Uggggh! Why can't I ever find something to wear!" Ayda threw herself on her bed, her head buried in the pillow. Just then Legs walked into the room, "Jesus! What happened to your room?" A moan came from the blob that was in a pile on the bed, "I can never find anything to wear!" Legs laughed "Well then you are going to hate this, Mason is downstairs waiting." Ayda got a major case of deja vu back to the boat trip they took together over a year ago, actuall it was closer to two year but who's counting. That was the beginning of this wonderful ride. She pulled herself up off the bed, grabbed a clean pair of jeans, a white t-shirt and threw on her leather jacket. She paused by her full length, "It will have to do." Ayda walked down the stairs to see Mason and Legs laughing in the kitchen, it was a wonderful sound that filled to house and this house has needed to be filled with laughter  for a long time. As soon as she hit the bottom of the stairs Mason stopped, looked at her and smiled. Ayda melted right there, 'Fuck how does he do this to me every time!' Her head was in the clouds. "Ready to go?" He held out his hand to her, as she took his hand, "As ready as I can be. I hope what I'm wearing is ok?" He leans in, kisses her and smiles, "It's perfect." For all Ayda knew this was a normal date night for them, every Friday for the last year has been date night without fail and every time they have had a wonderful time.

         "So where to tonight, Hun?" Ayda asked him. All she got back was a side grin. Oh she knew he was up to something but just what it is she doesn't know. "Ahhhh it's a secret huh?" His smile got bigger, "Stop trying to figure it out", the laugh in his voice made her laugh. Mason grabbed her hand, kissed it , "Don't worry you'll love it."

     Making their way up Great Ocean highway Ayda was still trying to figure out where they are going. She was so lost in thought and looking out the widow she didn't realize that they had turned off the highway and driving up a dirt road. She looked around and saw that they are near the lighthouse, then he pulled into the road leading to the lighthouse. She smiled remembering that this is where they had their first official date. Gunner saw her smiling out of the corner of his eye and he knew he chose the right spot for this. His car barely came to a stop when he hopped out and ran to her side of the car. He opened her door and helped her out, "You know I know how to get out of a car, right?" Ayda said with a smirk. "Yes I realize but I sometimes like to be nice to you", she raised her eyebrow at him as he laughed and she followed. He grabbed her hand and was almost pulling her to the cliff, 'this thing is burning a hole in my pocket' Gunner was thinking to himself. When they got to the cliff it was just before sunset and he pulled out a blanket that he must have got from the car and placed it on the ground. They sat down close to each other and he put his arm around her as she laid her head on his shoulder. "So why are we here beside reliving wonderful memories." She said without looking at him. "Well it's been almost two years since we had that date and I just thought 'Why not'." Oh he's up to something, she just knows it. Gunner started to get nervous as the sunset started to get closer, he kept checking his pocket to make sure it was still there. Ayda was still sitting looking out into the ocean when he pulled out the box so he could be ready. Oh god what if she says no? What if she laughs or jumps? "Gunner is everything ok? You are looking like you're going to pass out." Gunner looked at her, "Oh I'm fine!" he blurted out quickly. She pulled away from him and stood up, "Ok what is up? I don't have to be a detective to know you are up to something." Well FUCK, is all that went through his head, so here it goes. Gunner looked up at her and made the move to one knee. "OH NO NO NO....." is all Ayda said as she covered her mouth in shock. "Welll...ummm...I can stop.." Gunner said, "Oh no go on!" She was freaking out inside. "Ok Ayda I know it's been a long rough journey. We have worked really hard at making this work and finding the right balance. You've been there for me since the very first day you joined the force and been there even more when you left. I know I can be hard headed at times and you have taking it all in stride. Ayda...... I love you like I haven't love anyone before and I'm hoping that you can see a future for us like I do. So could you do me the biggest honor and marry this humble man on his knee in front of you?" Ayda just stood there in awe, tears started to fall and the only thing she could get out was , "Yes!"

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