Act Two

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(A/n: Credit to the original artists!)

They all took quick steps to finish preparing the vast room for the visitors. Servants and maids practically danced across the floor in a frenzy to make it look spotless.

The large, golden chairs rested around a large round table also made of the costly metal. Gold encrusted the ivory walls with spectacular designs that made it look like vines with leaves and lush roses.

On the table rested empty grails along with shining silver plates with decorative lining. On the respective sides of the table, the kingdoms' names were engraved onto the table using shining silver.

A rich queendom this is, filled with jewels and gold beyond the belief of any sane person. It was quiet a sight to behold, even if the gold against the dying sun would burn out your eyes in an instant of gazing upon its magnificence.

"Your grace, the meeting room is ready for the arrival of the neighboring kings." Glancing to her left, the queen's eyes met with that of a short girl with dark skin and dark hair. Her eyes were a light brown that complimented her freckles on her cheeks.

"What about the rooms they will be staying in? I presume after a days of travel they will stay for a couple of days."

The maid smiled and nodded her head. "I will inform everyone to work on those rooms next. Is there anything else you need your grace?"

A smile pulled at the queen's lips. "No."

The maid bowed before rushing off to speak to the others. The head maid stood beside the queen, surveying their actions to make sure they are doing as they are told. The group spread out to tell all maids and servants to prepare the guest rooms.

"They are already clean and prepared." A man piped up from the crowd of loyal servants.

"Then we will double check to make sure everything is in place." Another woman said.

"Great job everyone! Let's all make sure everything is perfect before we stop for today." The head maid ordered the crowd. "Go on! Get going!"

"Yes ma'am!" They chirped together, moving to different directions to get to the two rooms. Servants returned to the kitchens and other areas to work for the arriving guests.

A carriage was stationed outside the giant doors of the castle of Zanna. The king, with black and silver clothes adorning his figure, stepped down the steps to the said carriage. Danzell rubbed his chin with his left hand, feeling the cold metal of the gauntlet tickle his skin. "I thought I said to bring out the horses, not these useless creatures."

"S-sire, these are the fastest horses in the kingdom."

Sighing irritably, he stopped and turned his heels to face the hunched over man. "I want the mutant horses, not these."

"Sire, I-I assure you these horses will get you to the kingdom before dawn the next morning-."

"I want to get to the kingdom before nightfall. The only way to do that is to bring out the mutants." Danzell turned back to the old man and made his way back to the carriage. "I suggest you hurriedly get the stable boys to latch on the horses I've asked for."


"I said hurriedly, not slowly."

The old man straightened his back before letting it hunch over again. He nervously bit his lips. "Yes, your majesty. I'll have them latch on the horses immediately."

Danzell stepped into the vehicle and sat down on the plush seats inside. Not a moment later the door opposite of the king opened. A male stepped in and sat as far from the king as possible, making sure not to give eye contact. His hair was a dark brown, almost black, and his eyes were of the same color. The personal servant's skin was that of the yellow spectrum. "Haiku, tell me, when will the queen start the meeting for this game?"

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