The Bus Stop Then School.

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I walked up the hill, getting to the bus stop. I let out a sigh as I pull my backpack up again. I stopped as I saw people at the top of the hill. There was a little girl, a little boy and three boys that looked my age. I watched as the little boy throw a snowball at the little girl, but it when over her head and hit a tree. "Ike, don't throw snowball." I heard. "You're not fun Kyle." He said back to him. I watched as the little girl throw a snowball at Ike. He fell into the snow and looked up at her. "Karen." I heard one of the others yell. "Ike, are you alright?" Kyle asked. "I'm fine." He said quietly. A bus drove past me before it stopped and the two little ones got on. The teens stood there waiting. I slowly walked over and stopped standing a few feet away from them.

Looking at the closer I noticed that one wear a green hat that matched with his pants. Another wear a blue hat with red trim and a brown coat. The last one, stood the closest to me wear an older looking orange coat. A strand of blonde hair stuck out of his hood. I blinked and he was staring right at me, he turned to his friends who were talking about something. "Guys, guys.-" "We know your sister won Kenny." "No, guys. Look." He pointed to me and I froze like a deer in headlights. "The new girl." The guy in the blue hat said. I stood there watching them for a moment, feeling a little uncomfortable. "You moved into that house just down the hill, right?" The guy in the green hat asked. "That's right." I said to them, slowly walking over to them. "How long was that house for sale?" "A few years now I think." The guy in green said the guy in the blue. "My father bought it a week or so ago." I said, trying to join in. "It would take time to unpack everything." The guy in the blue hat said. "That makes sense why we haven't seen you around." The guy in the green hat said. "We would have remembered a face like that." Both guys turned to face the other guy. "Kenny!" The both yelled. "What? She has a face hard to forget." He said to them.

"Wait, you moved in just down there? Didn't that douchebag buttlord kid live there?" The guys in blues asked. "Ya, didn't they move the end of grade seven?" The guy in the green hat asked. "I thought it was during eight." The guy in blue said. "It was during the summer, before high school." The guy in orange said to them. "Oh ya. We had a huge party for him. In his backyard." "Oh ya and a bunch of us were drunk that night. His parents were pissed." I stood there looking to them, having no idea what was going on. "He wasn't going to say anything about leaving to us." "Cartman did try to kill once." "More that once." "And he would barely say anything to anyone." "What an asshole." They said to themselves. I just stood there listening to them talk about their once friend. "Wait, why are we standing here waiting?" "Oh ya, Cartman sick." "I highly doubt that fatass is really sick." They started to walk away from the bus stop, leaving me standing there. "Come on new girl." One said. "Ya, keep up, it's going to snow soon." Another said. I stood there still trying to understand what just happened. I was being pushed by someone before I started to walk.

I was behind the guys in the hats as they were talking. "So, what do we call you new girl?" One asked me. "Amanda." I said to them. "Well." They stopped and turned to face me. "I'm Kyle, that's Stan and the one beside you is Kenny. Oh and sometime that fat-ass will be hanging out with us." Kyle said to me. "Ya, don't listen to him if he tells you to get lost." Stan said to me. "Hey guys." There walking over was a blonde boy with the sides of his hair shaved off. "Hey Butters." They said to him. "Who's the new girl?" He asked. "Amanda." Kenny said before I could. "Come on we're going to be late." Stan said pulling on Kyle with him. I walked after them, not really knowing where to go.

We walked into the school and just followed them. They stopped at some lockers and looked at me. "Alright, I don't know what they do at your school, but just grab a locker." Kyle said. "We have to remember to grab a locker for Cartman." Kenny pointed out. "We don't have to do anything for lard-butt." Kyle said. "Kyle, remember what happened last year at middle school, when we didn't." Stan said to him. "Ya, that fat-ass ridiculed that poor kid last year unlit he got what he wanted." Kyle muttered. "Why are you guys still friends with guy?" I asked them. "We're not friends with him. He just keeps coming back to us." Kyle said. I looked around at them for a moment, they all were in agreement with Kyle. "We do it this way." I said walking over to the lockers. "Set this one as his." I said hitting the farthest locker before a skipped one and touched the next one. "That have these three as your." I said to them. "That's great, but lard-butt will just move one over." Stan said to me. "Well, I'll take this one and you three take those ones." Kenny mutters. I looked at them for a moment. "He does get along with Kenny best." Stan muttered. "Ya, he'll have to take it."

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