dream of me

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that woman is a snake, my love, she is a slithering reptile that exists to ruin our love story. i am everything she is not. i am young and beautiful. her body is worn from childbirth and she cannot please you like i do. you keep her for fear of backlash from God, but dear, i say that He bears no judgments when it comes to ridding ourselves of women like she. 

o, John, i dream of thee. in the darkest hours of the night, i dream of a life where Elizabeth is nothing but a bad memory. i dream of us together, happy and in love. blessed be the day that this dream becomes a reality. may the Lord see the effervescence and purity of our love. when He opens His eyes to us the heavens will rejoice. 

my sweet, sweet John, the angels sing when we embrace. the sky cries tears of liquid gold in envy of our love. remember the pure bliss of the beginning of our meeting, and soon you will fill with passion once again. 

dream of me like i do of you, my love. and may God bless our journey.

with my neverending love,


for my unknowing loveWhere stories live. Discover now