Chapter One - New Beginning

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It was just another day. Joshua woke up, got ready for school and got in the car. It was like that every morning. He couldnt do anything else. With his lung cancer, its hard for him to do things, even like getting up stairs. He hated going to school. He had one friend, Callum who was part of the basketball team. Joshua wasnt bad looking, in fact, he was one of the cutest guys in the school. But everyone was scared of him, of what he had. He knew why. Incase he gave the cancer to anyone. It was ridiculous, he knew that, but he could understand why. He had had this cancer for a good 4 years now, since he was 12. His parents had learnt to deal with it, but when his dad came home late one night from the pub, with lipstick on his neck and thongs in his pocket, that was it. His mum, Sandra gave up. She packed his things, and he left. He missed his dad, everyday, but his mum knew about his "condition" more than his dad did.

On the way to school, his mum asked him,

"Josh, why dont you go to the pictures this weekend with Callum?" Joshua looked at her and shrugged. He knew that Callum had basketball practice, so that was a no-go. He hated staying indoors during the weekends but what else could he do? He had tried to go places before, but either ended up in hospital or back home within 2 seconds.

"Anyway, I'm sure when your birthday comes up, you'll want a huge party, yeah?" Sandra asked him. He shrugged once again.

"Oh come on darling, your obviously going to want a party, you'll be 16!" she told him. Joshua shrugged again.

"I havent really thought about it to be honest." he smiled.The car stopped outside the school and Joshua opened the door.

"Thanks Mum!" he said as he stepped outside of the car, and shut the door. He began to walk through the door, into the school, wheeling his oxygen tank. He took this everywhere, as well as having a tube, going round his ears, and into his nose. Of course people looked sometimes when he walked in, but only because they were intrigued. Joshua didnt care if they stared. He expected it. Every morning, Joshua would walk up to the office, take the key and open the lift to go to his classroom. He had to take a lift everywhere, otherwise, he couldnt get to his lessons. Luckily, in his school, there was a lift in each block. He got into the lift and took a deep breath. Once the doors opened, he saw something; something horrifying; something he'd never want to see. He saw Megan, a 15 year old classmate being shouted at by the steps. She was crying, with mascara running down her face. Joshua walked out of the lift, with his tank, and tapped the girls on the shoulder. They turned around and stared at him.

"Ew, whats that on your nose?" they teased. Joshua just looked at them and said:

"If you wanna play with fire, then your gonna get burnt. Now if I was you, I'd hurry along...". The girls groaned and walked away. Megan looked at Joshua and smiled.

"Thanks! You just saved me!" she sniffed, while wiping her nose with her sleeve.

"Oh here," Joshua got out a tissue and handed it to her. "I also keep some on me, just in case," he grinned. She giggled and wiped her nose. Joshua gently touched her arm.

"Wanna go to form?" he asked. She nodded and opened the door for him. They walked into class and sat down. Everyone stared and started to whisper. Megan put her head down and sighed.

"I knew this would happen..." she mumbled under her breath. Joshua hugged her.

"Hey, dont worry about those jerks. They're probably just jealous!" he whispered in her ear. She turned to face him and smiled.

"Jealous? You think?" she replied, smiling. He nodded.

"Of course," he winked at her. She blushed. He smiled.

Later on, Joshua and Megan were sitting on the field eating their lunch when 3 girls came up to them.

"Oi Drybones, hope you havent forgotten our little meeting later on the court?" they laughed. Megan shook her head and looked down.

"Do you think you're cool? Bullying people like that? Do you think it gets you friends?" Joshua asked them, looking up at them.

"Joshua, dont...just leave it." Megan told him, still looking down.

"Yeah Joshy, dont want to get your tube in a twist!" they all walked off laughing. Joshua sighed. Megan looked down and started crying.

"Whats the matter?" Joshua asked. Megan sniffed.

"You're now getting bullied for hanging out with me...this is ridiculous..." she sobbed. Joshua lifted her chin up.

"Dont be silly Megs...I enjoy hanging out with you, whether they bully me for it or not," he smiled at her. She smiled back.

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