The Woods

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~Nina's perspective~

I've been walking through these woods for hours! When am I going to find Jeff? Ever since I started dating him all he has been to me is a prick! And his sex isn't even good either, it's just dry!

1 hour later

I walked up to a big mansion in the middle of the woods and stared at it for awhile before walking up to the door and nocking on it. Jeff opend the door. "Bitch- I mean babe! What are doing here? A girl with long black hair walked up to the door. All she was wearing was Underwear and a black bra that didn't fit quite right. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him. That's when I noticed he was wearing shorts. Only shorts. I took a glance at her and glared at her intensely. She stepped back and an arm grabbed Jeff's pulling him back. The person stepped into the doorway and looked at me for a second. "Oh! Yay, I can have lunch!" He said. I pulled out my knifes and put one to his throat. "Touch me I fucking dare you. I've had a shitty day getting lost in the woods because my boyfriend is a dipshit. Then I figure out he's cheating on me with a slut so I highly doubt you want to fuck with me right now." I told him. "Jeff? You have something seriously wrong with you because Jeff doesn't have a girlfriend." The blue masked guy said. "JACK!" Jeff said punching the guy in the shoulder. I turned to Jeff and tackled him rolling over onto the floor in front of him. He layed on his back dased. Something grabbed me and pulled me off the ground by me stomach. "Who are you?" A low voice said. I stared at the blank faced man. His face was just pale. No nose or eyes or ANYTHING! Just white! "I'm Nina. Nina the Killer" I said smiling.

~Nina's Perspective~
Hellloooooo hotty. I'm just going to hope he can't read my mind.

~Sender's Perspective~
*Reading her mind* Wow. Know one has ever actually thought I was attractive before. Possible mate? She is kinda cute.

"Umm hello?" I said trying to get his attention. He kinda looked into the distance. "Oh. Sorry, I'm Slenderman. Or Slender for short." He siad taking my hand in his. Then he kissed my hand. Jeff NEVER did that. Holy shit dude. He put me down and I walked over to Jeff. "Nina baby-" "Yeah no. We are over fucker."I said flipping him off.

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