My Own Room

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"Welcome to our Creepypasta Mansion." He said opening a door. I stepped in to see a personal bathroom a queen sized bed and a closet with a vanity next to it. "Woah!" I said dragging the word in amazement. Everything was so nice. "This is one of our simplest rooms." He told me. "Really!? Wow, the apartment Jeff and I lived in was a trash dump compared to this!" I said facing him. "Jack!" Slender called out, and 2 roughed up boys came running. "Nina, this is Eyelss Jack." He said pointing to a teen in a blue mask with black blood coming out of it. He wore black tenishoes and jeens with a black hoodie on. He waved at me, "Hi. We met earlier with Jeff being an insensitive prick." He said sticking his hand out for me to shake. "Greetings." I added in response. "And this is Laughing Jack." Slender said pointing to a guy in a black and white clown suit.

He had a white and black pointed nose with long black hair that reached about to his shoulders. Feathers lined his shoulders on his outfit that looked a lot like spikes. Laughing Jack was really tall like Slender only a little shorter than him. "Greetings!" He said. I stuck out my hand for him to shake, but he gripped it and kissed my buckles lightly. "Hi!" I said smiling at both the Jacks. "Get settled in, and come see me later for details on this mansion and if you want to join or not." Slender said turning and what I thought was smiling at me. He kissed my hand one more time before disappearing into thin air. I turned to see that Laughing Jack was gone too, now it was just Eyeless Jack standing there awkwardly. "Sorry for them being a little too formal, they don't really do this when a new girl comes." He said. "They didn't do it with Jane that's for sure!" He said laughing a little. "It's fine Eyeless Jack. Actually, Jeff NEVER pulled any shit like that so It's kinda nice!" I responded smiling at him. "Oh! Please call me E.J. Everyone does." He said leaning against my door frame an crossing his legs behind his back. "Ok, I'm going to settle in I guess, maybe later you could introduce me to any of the others?" I asked giving my voice a high pitch. "Sure! But there is ONE person you have to look out for. His name is Offender, one of the brothers of white twig. He fucks anyone even if they don't want to. Keep your door Locked at all times! He wears a black suit and a brown hat 24/7 with this ugly grin on his face." E.J said shuttering a little. "Ok, thanks!" I said giving him a thumbs up. He walk away and I shut my door locking it. I don't even know how I got here and I'm pretty sure there leader is flirting with me after I dumped my boyfriend for cheating on me. I sighed and walked over to the closet, it was empty except for a couple hangers spread out on the metal poll at the top. I closed the closet doors and flopped onto the bed. As I thought of Slender I slowly drifted of to sleep for a long nap.

~2 hours later~

After I woke up I went downstairs to see teen in a elf costume playing Legend Of Zelda on a consule. I looked into the kitchen to see Eyeless Jack eating something bloody out of a container. I crouched down and sneaked in front of the bar he was facing watching the little elf boy in confusion. I can around to the side of the bar and crawled behind him. Standing up, I sat taped his shoulder and he turned around suprised. "Boo!" I shouted as I tapped him. He jumped back in shock and I saw the the little elf boy turn around and laugh at him. "Wow dude! You were scared by a girl!" He said with this fucked up voice. "Shut up Ben!" E.J yelled back at him. "Ben is the little elf boy's name?" I asked teasing him. "Fuck you!" He said facing me now. "Who are you anyway?" He asked me eyeing me suspiciously. "I'm Nina! Nina The Killer." I said waving to him. "Pfff, whatever." He said turning back to his games. "What the hell dude!" He screamed at it when he died. Jack turned to me, "Aren't you supposed to be with Slendy?" He asked me cocking his head. "That's the thing, I really don't know were to go." I responded. "Oh, I can can you were it is!" He said smiling a toothy grin. "O-oh! Thanks." I responded stuttering a little. He walked me down a hall where a dark wood door sat opended just a crack practically screaming for me to walk in. I turned around and Jack was gone so I mocked on the door lightly but enough for him to hear me. "Come in!" He said in his calming voice. I pushed open the door and stepped in. "Ah Nina come in and sit down please." He said pointing to a chair. I sat down in silence and waited for him to explain somethings. "I see you have already met Ben. He likes to keep to himself so don't take it personally that he didn't like you." He said. "How did you know I met Ben?" I asked him cocking my head. "I'm an alien being who watches over insane psychotic cerial killers. I know everything that goes down in this mansion." He answered. "Well, have you decided on if you want to join or not?" He asked me.

~Nina's mind~
I'm not quite sure yet. I mean, I don't even know everyone here! I barely know half of them actually. But they all seem so cool. Should I join or not?

I choose....................

Dun dun dun! Sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger! But that got me to 1000 words so I only had to! >:) You all probably already know what the answer is, but find out what she responds and how it will affect her life in the future in the next chapter of How I Met Slenderman!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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