Auxiliary Automaton 503 (Entry for youngwritersshortstory)

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Auxiliary Automaton 503 

The AA - abbreviation. The Auxiliary Automaton; advanced machines providing assistance and service to the human race. Built and supplied by Moore Inc. since 2955.

AA Prototype 812: In development.

AA Prototype 812 - Pilot 503: Activated Monday 30th June 3014.

Directive: Obey all instructions issued by human race.

I am programmed with a purpose. A directive. I am specifically designed to serve humanity, to deliver information to my seniors and most of all, to obey. I never asked any questions, for there were never any questions to ask. I have a vast database in my mind, immediately able to access knowledge which was too immense for any weak Homo Sapiens brain. Why would I question my directive when I was built supreme to my superiors? Why would I question my directive when no other Auxiliary Automaton had? Why would I question my directive when it was all I had ever known?

"Ladies, gentlemen, may I present the latest addition to the AA, scheduled to be released onto the market on the first of December next year, just in time for Christmas,"

The anticipated release of polite chuckles echoes throughout the auditorium, a circular, white-washed building with rows of darkened seating arranged in a raised arch around the lit stage where Ms Moore is positioned, a lone figure facing an intimidating audience of three thousand, four hundred and ninety-six.

A lone figure, disguising her entry into middle age via lathers of hair-dye and skins of cosmetics, clothed in a flattering high-waisted dress the colour of egg-plant, custom-made by her personal AA earlier in the week, paired with a black headset over her pristine ash brown updo, amplifying her voice and allowing her to communicate with the evening's AA co-ordinators.

A lone figure, save for the sample of twenty Prototype 812 flanking behind her, as straight-backed and expressionless as the ranks of polymer toy soldiers marketed at a retail price of £35.95 (or $28.59 for customers outside the UK).

"Like the previous releases, Prototype 812 are run on hydroelectricity, but for the first time, this model stores electricity, so can continue to work for as long as required without needing any charging,"

Ms Moore pauses to accommodate the low rumble of murmurs at her words, before continuing, "I intend for every family in each country around the world to own this new prototype in three years of the release. To achieve my goal, the 812 will be priced affordably, and by that I mean the current price halved tenfold,"

This time, the muttering erupts in the vast hall constructed especially for press releases concerning the AA. Thousands of people shocked, sceptical, and suspicious, voicing their opinions above everyone else's, hardly caring that their individual judgements are lost in a collective void of clamour.

Ms Moore stands at the front of the deafening din, calm, poised and confident. She only needs to clear her throat to have the attention of all the three thousand, four hundred and ninety-six within the immense auditorium.

"The last prototype was priced at £299, in other words, $511. Next year, the 812 will be able to be brought for £30, or $50, will still being capable of responding to and obeying all instructions from the owner, from child care to hairdressing, as well as producing information at request from the largest database we have today, while functioning at the high standard anyone can expect from Moore Incorporated,"

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