Chapter : 18 new home new life and End

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Previously Sloth was given the power to see into the further and timelines but sent into the Fantasy realm where Envy,Fang,and Entropy was.

Sloth (PoV)

I was wandering around the realm trying to find a way home dammit it's gonna take some time getting use to this world seeing Dragons fly in the sky but seeing a witch now thats crazy as hell.

Dammit there is no way to contact them many if I raise my magcial power they will sense me, after a could of minutes of rest I'm at 60 percent I just stood there sleeping standing up man I needed a good rest,"Hey Sloth how are you doing and what brings you to my realm ?" A boy with black hair,red scarf black unbuttoned vest shorts, sandals, tan skin, blue eyes was talking to me oh and his name is Ace,"long story do you know where Envy is?" I pretty sure he doesn't know.

"Yeah just follow me" Ace guides me to where Envy and the others are staying I take in the view of the world it has that modern take but still has that medieval feel to it.

We arrive at a floating fortress,"I can fly us up there" Ace was about to grab my hand I grabbed his and teleport us to the island.

"Woh what the give me a warning next time Sloth" Ace was stumbling back and forth dizzy but

I step into the house to my shock I see Envy in his adult years same for Fang and Entropy and Famine as a servent to Entropy in a butler's outfit what the hell happened.

"Sloth is that you, you haven't aged a bit" what does he mean aged,"we thought you were dead" how long have I been gone.

"You been gone for four years" Entropy cleared up everything so that explains why Ace is a teenager now.

"I'll see you around guys I gotta go kick Enzo butt" Ace waved goodbye and jumped off the tower and flew away using fire.

A woman walked in form the kitchen she looks familiar,"oh hi Sloth you might not recognize me it's me Kindness" WHAT!!!! The hell is going on and she is wearing a wedding ring I look around Dang is nodding his head no Entropy is pointing at Envy,"yeah I'm married now hehehe" Envy was rubbing his head as he said that I'm shocked to see this and I see four kids running around I nearly fallen out.

"Are they your kid's?" I sat down on the couch my God this is gonna be a how I meet your mother moment down the road is there.

" Sloth they are Wrath,Greed,Pride,Lust, and  Gluttony and don't together about Grief" Envy pointed them out one by one.

"How did they get here ?" Now I'm nervous I never gave Envy the talk gezz man I'm on edge.

"Well god brought them back to life Greed on the other hand just self revived himself due to his curse and all.

"I don't mind being a kid I just can't get any booze" Greed pouted as he ran off to go and spar with Wrath and Pride.

"So who's the new leader?" Yeah I bet that's on your mind.

"Well since your back your the new leader Sloth"

"But I'm missing an arm"how can I fight like this.

"Hold still" Entropy walked up and created a new arm for me form thin air.

"My healing levle is around God tear now" Entropy sat back down and commanded Famine to make him some tea.

"Right away sir yes sir" Famine bowed twice and ran into the kitchen to make Entropy some tea.

"How did you get him to be your butler ?"I laugh.

"Easy I beat the horsemen" dam this kid gotten stronger.

"Why don't you want to be the leader Envy" something gotta be up.

"Well it's simple really I'm pregnant" Kindness answers the question and I fell out passing out.

End of PoV

"Sloth wake  up wake up", Envy ran over to shaking Sloth ,Fame ran over to help Entropy just laughed slapping his knee Famine ran over to help.

Luckily Sloth was only sleeping now life returned to normal Omen is behind bars during the four year period and is still there to this day the sins and Grief are growing up but Sloth is still assuming the role of a leader.

The Fantasy realm is a kind place wear magic flourish and adventure lies ahead this marks the end of the story of Sloth but a new adventure lies somewhere else.

Authors note :

Ok I'm so sorry for not updating it's just I'm a procrastinator and I get lazy sometimes like my main character I will try to do better next time well see ya...

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