Sunflower Salvation

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The shrill cries of a frail old man could be heard bouncing off the trees. Mugen straightened his posture listening in to the direction of the noise before running off. Fuu stumbled clumsily behind him. Catching her breath once they reach the location of the man being coddled. Fuu blank twice at the sight of two repulsive looking males. Their faces piglike and voices hoarse. Mugen stepped in. "Hey. What are you assholes up to?" They scoffed. "Oh, a wise guy, eh? How's about ya mind your own business? Or else... We may hafta do something to teach ya a lesson. Hehe..." The man chuckled to himself. His buddy nodded slowly. Licking his lips as his lust filled gaze was uncomfortably locked on Fuu. She shuddered, incredibly repulsed.

Mugen squinted and sucked his teeth. "Tch. Yeah whatever. Enough talking. You gonna just flap your gums all day or are we gonna do this thing? I'm getting really irritated by all this small talk." He flicked his sword. The sun glistening off the blade. Fuu hid by a nearby tree. Watching it all unfold. The two piggish samurai charged forward,a drawing their swords before being stopped dead in their tracks. The clash of their swords meeting Mugen's, then slipping from their hands and finally, clattering to the forest floor. She was awestruck by how swiftly Mugen took them out. She knew he had been a good fighter but his skill and or sheer luck, never ceased to amaze her. He was... So cool. Fuu was awestruck by how swiftly he moved and how the two intimidating men were struck down in mere seconds after coming within even a hair's reach of the young vagabond. In a weird way, Fuu had missed seeing Mugen this way. So confident and fluid. Like water.

"Damn. And here I was hoping they'd put up more of a fight. All bark and no bite, I guess." Mugen turned to the old man. "Yo. Old timer. I don't just go doing shit like this out of the kindness of my heart or somethin. So you'll hafta think of a way to repay me." The man just bowed to the ground. "Of course, sir! I am forever in your debt! If you need a place for you and that you get lady to stay I live at a cottage in the mountains. You're welcome anytime!" Mugen cricked his neck. Fuu stepped in, glaring at him while softening her expression as she spoke with the old man. Actually, that won't be necessary. We just need some information. Have you seen or maybe heard about a ronin samurai by the name of Jin around here? We're trying to find him." The old man straightened up. "A ronin Samurai?" He looked puzzled. "Ugly dude with stupid glasses. A total pointdexter." Fuu clenched her fist before punching Mugen in the arm. "Ow! What the hell!?" She twitched her brow. "Yes. A ronin samurai with glasses. Have you seen him?"

The old man looked down to his lap, trying to recollect. Eventually, he spoke. "Ah! Yes! I have heard of a young lad like that. He stayed with me and my wife. He protected us from the Yakuza before heading on his way. He said he was heading towards Kyushu. The both looked confused. "Kyushu? Did he say where in Kyushu specifically?" The man shook his head. "All he said was that he had to find a woman. And after that, he left." Fuu bowed respectfully. Pushing Mugen's head down to make it look like he was bowing too. Despite being incredibly infuriated, Mugen didn't fight back. He bowed half-heartedly before walking off.
"Here, for your troubles. I owe you both my life, after all. Had you not found me in time, I'd have been slaughtered like cattle."

The old man smiled before handing the young woman a small sack. She opened it. "Sunflower seeds?" The man nodded happily. They were my wife Kiyoko's favorite flower. Fuu's expression shifted. "Were? Wait. Does that mean your wife is..." He interjected. "Yes. She was tortured and killed be those thugs... After the young samurai left, they had harassed us in our home before taking my precious Kiyoko from me. So as she was dying from her injuries, she told me to give these seeds to someone to make them smile as they did for her. Fuu was moved by his story. Sunflowers had also become something sentimental for her as well ever since her father had passed. "Please plant these when you are feeling like all hope is lost. They will bring you healing in your hardships. Sunflowers are a symbol of adoration as well so if you have someone special to you, someone you wish to protect, carrying these seeds will protect them. So long as you believe. It wasn't able to protect her but maybe... Maybe you'll find good use for them." The man grinned happily. Motioning over to the tall man who's back was turned to them. "Oh! W-we're not- He's just a-" Fuu cut herself off. "I mean..." The elder just looked skeptically before letting out a chuckle. "Oh. Of course. How silly of me!"

She thanked him for the generous gift. She continuously bowed. Their words slightly muffled by the distance. Though Mugen had his back turned away as he walked. He stopped after realizing Fuu hadn't followed him. "The offer still stands in case you change your mind. If you ever have any trouble you're more than welcome." Fuu parted ways with the old man, catching up to Mugen. She felt her bare feet become slimey with mud. Though after earlier events she found herself not worried about getting a little dirty. She lifted the bottom of her kimono and tucked the tiny bag of seeds in the front part of it happily.

"What're you so chipper for?" Mugen turned to Fuu. "That kind man gave us sunflower seeds." She smiled in contempt. "Sunflowers mean a lot to me. So it's a wonderful gift." Mugen felt his chest tighten at the sight of her being so passionate about some stupid flower. It was strangely satisfying to see her not acting so tense. He brushed it off quickly after realizing he had been staring for a little too long. He folded his arms behind his head. "Yeah... Whatever." She folded her hands behind her back, walking alongside him. "This is great! Now we know where to find Jin! Well... Kinda." He unfolded his hands and shoved them into the pockets of his shorts. Trying to mask the internalized jealousy that burned within. He was annoyed from how fondly she would speak of Jin as well as the mixed signals she had sent him earlier but decided it wasn't worth bringing up. For the first and possibly last time, Mugen held his tongue.

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