Chapter 26- Arrival

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This chapter is dedicated to ashleyrachelle for being my 1,000th fan! :D

Love you guys! <3


Cassie’s POV

                My eyes fluttered open and I instantly noticed that we’re not on the plane anymore. I felt little tingles and smelled Damien’s scent, my eyes moving to gaze up at him. He looked down at me where I’m sat tucked into his chest. I looked around and noticed that we’re in a taxi.

                I remembered what we’re about to do and closed my eyes, my stomach tossing and turning as I took a deep breath. I can do this- I have to. Damien traced a gentle finger across my cheekbone and I felt myself relax just the slightest bit. Then, leaning forward and wrapping my arms around his neck, I pressed our lips together and kissed him with as much love as I could put into it.

                He kissed me back instantly, tightening his arms and pulling me in closer to his chest. I heard Anna howling in my head, purring and yipping happily. She’s missed him just as much as I have. I felt my eyes burn but held back the forming tears. I will not cry. None of this would have happened if I hadn’t left in the first place and I have no right to feel sorry for myself.

                My fingers wound through Damien’s dark hair and he brought a hand up to the back of my neck, the other still securely around my waist. Damien ran his tongue along my bottom lip and I granted him access, moving so I’m straddling his lap with both my hands in his hair. His hand around my waist went to my hip and he gripped it gently but firmly.

                My body burned and I felt a moan rising up in my throat as he pulled my face even closer to deepen the kiss. I’ve missed him so much and Annabelle is anxious to be close to him. I can tell that she’s going to be really bad from now on since Damien and I were supposed to mate while I was in heat. Since we didn’t and she’s had to wait so long she’s going to be begging me to jump him. I felt my cheeks heat up and then pulled back, gasping for breath.

                Damien rested his forehead on my shoulder, also breathing heavily. He softly kissed the exposed skin there and I shivered in pleasure from the tingles that the contact created. I suddenly realized something and my eyes snapped open wide as I felt my cheeks flare with color.

                Did we… did we just make out in the backseat of a taxi with the driver sitting right there?...

                I scrambled off of Damien’s lap and onto the seat next to him, dropping my face into my hands and groaning quietly. What the heck is wrong with me? This is so freaking embarrassing. I felt Damien staring at me and then one of his hands came up to move my hands from my face so he could look at it. I kept my eyes closed, my cheeks still bright red.

                “Cassie?” He murmured. “Are you alright? Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry if I did baby. I didn’t mean to-“ I cut him off by kissing his lips quickly and then sitting back on the seat, shaking my head frantically.

                “No! That’s not it. I just… we just…” I lowered my voice and my cheeks grew impossibly warmer. “We just made out in a taxi in front of the driver.” My voice was barely a whisper but Damien still heard me. He was silent for a second before I heard his muffled laughter. Glaring up at him, I watched as he shook his head and tried to contain his laughter. I don’t see what’s so funny about the situation.

                “You’re so cute Cassie. You shouldn’t be embarrassed about kissing me in public. We are mates after all.” I pursed my lips and glared at him for a few more seconds before sighing and dropping the look, too tired to stay mad at him. Plus I don’t like being irritated with him anyway so it’s not really worth it.

                “Where’s David?” I asked suddenly.

                “He’s in the taxi behind us along with a couple other pack members. There wasn’t really room in here and I wanted you to be able to rest without too many people in here so he said he was fine with it.” I nodded. I really am tired right now.

                Leaning into his side, I rested my head against his shoulder and gazed blankly out the window, lost in my thoughts. The embarrassment slowly faded until it was gone and I just kept staring out the window and dreading what’s about to happen once we get out of this taxi. Damien kept his arm wrapped around my waist and also stayed silent.


                “We’re here.” I jumped when I heard the driver speak, his gruff voice breaking the silence that has been present basically this whole time after I woke up. Damien and I have exchanged a few words but other than that we’ve been quiet.

                Damien shuffled around in his pocket and then pulled out a wad of cash, counting out the money and then handing it to the guy, also giving him a $10 tip. We said thank you and then Damien reached over me to open the door, waiting for me and then slipping out. He closed the door and I took a deep breath as the cab drove away.

                Damien leaned down and gave me a sweet, short kiss which calmed my nerves a bit. Just then we heard the sound of another cab approaching and I looked over. The doors opened and David stepped out on one side, two muscular men out of the other. I only got a glimpse of them before David pulled me into a massive bear hug, my feet coming off the ground as he squeezed me in his arms.

                I hugged him back, ignoring the fact that my lungs feel like they’re about to burst from the pressure. I can tell that he’s nervous and I don’t need to make him feel guilty on top of that.

                He finally set me back on my feet and released me, Damien’s arms instantly replacing his as he held me close to his warm chest. I shivered a bit at the cold air swirling around us and wrapped my arms around myself. Damien noticed this and pulled me even closer, his arms and body providing me with warmth. I smiled softly up at him in thanks and then looked back to David.

                “Are you alright?” He asked. I nodded.

                “Yeah I’m fine. What about you?” After all that I have put these boys through I don’t deserve their concern. He nodded and came forward, taking my hand and squeezing it gently.

                “Well, I think it’s time for us to go meet the asshole.” I bit my lip and nodded as we began to walk, the wind whipping around us and the two pack members following closely behind.

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