Untitled Part 6

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The adults around him smiled a bit as he glared at them all. "Are you actually telling me that the entire thing was a simulation?" Peter groans as he messes with his hair, Tony smiles at him apologetically. 

"If it helps you where technically only in their for five hours? So like....quickest punishment ever next to spanking." Tony tries to reason and Peter just glares daggers at him.

"None of that was real?" Peter asks in annoyance and Tony nods a little. ".....I hate you all." He grumbles, Pepper gives a soft chuckle and walks over. Running her hand through his hair she hugs him close. "I had a freak out over Tony leaving like a toddler." He groans his face going a bright red and hiding it in Pepper's shoulder. Pepper and Tony share a low chuckle.

"Bucky was in the simulation as well. Both of you went through it together." Pepper mumbles. "We wanted you two to get on a bit better, pranking each other like that was not ok." She says seriously and Peter mumbles a small 'Sorry' but keeps his head firmly planted on her shoulder.

"So.....your heart went fifty miles a minute at MJ calling you her 'boyfriend' want to elaborate?" He asks and Peter whines loudly shaking his head. "Aww it's ok big guy. She won't know about this," He says gently, rubbing his son's back. "All right Avengers we have an announcement." Tony watched as Peter moved back a bit in confusion and Pepper grinned a little. "I know you all love baby Peter." He says casually. "But from this point on we will not be having a baby spider running around the house." The group groans and Pepper grins.

"I guess you'll have to settle for two baby Starks." She says casually, watching the group slowly take the information in. Steve, bless his soul, choked on air and wheezed a bit before spluttering out a congratulations.

"Wait....did you say Two?" Clint asks suddenly and starts to laugh hysterically when the pair nodded. "Oh...Say goodbye to your sanity guys" He laughs a bit, the two give him a look and he smiles sheepishly. "I don't mean it in a bad way, congrats and all that but god. You guys are going to be exhausted. A teen and twins?" He says cautiously. "What about work? and the Avengers?" He asks. Tony smiles a little sighing.

"We will continue with work. Pepper will go on maternity leave when she hits the 7 month mark or earlier if the doctor says and whilst she's on leave I'll be running SI. Ironman will go on the backburner whilst I run SI and will come back around when Pepper returns." He explains. "No. I'm not leaving the Avengers but I don't need to be on every mission and call out. I'll still come to them but if it's something the team can handle without me then I won't get involved." Clint nods in understanding and Bruce smiles from his spot. Tony raised an eyebrow at his science bro.

"...So....What your saying is....I will have an endless supply of tea?" He shoots Tony a shy playful smile and Tony laughs a bit.

"Tea? Nah you get the biggest bag of pot and blueberries" He says and watches the other roll his eyes. Peter snickers from his spot, still relatively squished against Pepper's side.

"So how far along are you?" Natasha asks, eyeing Pepper's stomach. The woman in question had been wearing clothes that strategically hid her stomach from prying eyes.

"I'm four months along." She smiles at the other woman, Natasha smiles a little. "We're finding out their sexes next month." She informs them all. Peter grins a bit at that.

"Hope it's boys." He says and Tony nods in agreement whilst Pepper snorts a bit.

"Of course you want baby brothers, you'd probably make them gloves and socks to climb walls with you just to make me grey." Peter blinks for a moment before a grin spread across his face.

"Can I?!" He asks excitedly and every adult in the room turned to him with a sigh.

"No." Tony says with a chuckle. "I like having kids on the ground, that don't need a net to catch them" He reasons and Peter snorts a bit at that. "Don't throw me that attitude you little shit, I'll pull you over my lap in front of everyone here if you continue." Peter squeaks and hides in Pepper's shoulder a bit.

"Tony, stop bullying him. Me and you need to go shopping sooooo" She turns Peter around and pushes him into Steve's arms with a grin. "Enjoy babysitting" She says grabbing her fiancé's arm and dragging him out. Peter gapes at them a bit before rolling his eyes.

"Come on Pete. I need someone to help in the lab." Peter's eyes widen and he follows Bruce down stairs.


Pepper and Tony rested in the car as they looked over the things they'd brought. Bruce had updated them that Peter had crashed out the moment he sat down with him in the lab, something they all knew would happen thanks to the simulation being a pretty emotional rollercoaster. The two glanced at a few of the items. "I can't believe you bought him a book on safe sex Tony." Pepper mummers, leaning heavily on Tony's side. The man in question snorts a bit.

"He's going to be getting with that Michelle girl, might as well prep him." He mutters, a small smile on his face. Both where exhausted and thankfully just in the garage of the compound. Pepper snorts at that.

"Can we make a deal that when the kids get older that they don't become superhero's. Please" She asks and Tony laughs a bit.

"I'll do my best to discourage them" He grins as she smacks him lightly. He kisses her head a little and sighs. "Come on, we'll get someone to bring these upstairs for us. I think we need to...dare I say it.....sleep." Pepper gasps in shock and puts her hand to his head jokingly.

"Are you ill? Tony Stark is willingly wanting to go to bed?" She laughs as he moves his head away with a pout.

"That's mean, I'm just tired" He says smiling, the woman rolls her eyes and climbs out the car.

"Shame. If you where ill I would of been your nurse but I guess if you aren't ill..." Tony jumped up immediately and got out the car.

"Nope no, I'm totally sick look!" He fake coughs and gives her big eyes. "I think I defiantly need my nurse" He pleads and Pepper snorts.

"Poor boy, go on. Up to bed, I'll be there shortly." She says watching the man bolt to the elevator and watches it go up. "FRIDAY. I need you to ask Bruce for his rectal thermometer. I think it's time Tony learns a lesson" She grinned to her self as she walks to the now empty elevator. It's going to be a fun night.

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