Chapter 10: New York

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Azazel's P.O.V.

( A/N: This Chapter will start off we're we last left off on Chapter 9 so if you didn't read Chapter 9 slide up and read it now, now on with the chapter.)
Penny said nothing as she pulled away from me and looked into my blood colored eyes and as If I could read her mind I started to adsplain "I made the promise with Lacey" I said in my human voice as Penny looked at me with wide eyes "You seen the memory didn't you the one with Marcus's death" I said looking at Penny who shook her head up and down "we made the Promise right after that.........Marcus didn't really die he was taken by some bad people, me and her made a pack or a deal you might say I promised to find Marcus and bring him back to Lacey because I know that without him she felt like she was nothing and she promise that I can take over when ever I wanted to because she know I had more countrow of are powers then she did" I said as Penny was sitting quietly.

"So this pack is also for Lacey" Penny said with her bangs covering her eyes so I could not see them "Yes" I said with my head down " who are these Bad people and why can't you deal with them yourself your the almighty devil queen" Penny said with confusion "I give Marcus most of my powers when he was on the blink of death so Lacey and him would always fight together....I'm weak on my own" I say on the verge of crying because of the memory of Marcus almost dead "Ok so who are the Bad People were supposed to fine to save Marcus" Penny says with stars in her eyes just showing me she's ready for a fight" Have you heard of the Silent Shadows" I say as Penny's eye go wide with fear "all take that as a yes", The Silent Shadows are known for killing people so fast and quiet that their victims don't know what happened their name suits them well because I can't even see or hear them and I have super hearing.

"If we're going to fight the Silent Shadows we're going to need some help and not to mention how we're going to find them" Penny says smiling at me" I think I know who your thinking of" I say as I snap my fingers and six people fall on the ground those six people were Micah,Jay,Dani,Abrella,Kayla, and Zack. "PENNY" Zack screamed as he saw his girlfriend with the demon who took her away from him " get away from her you demon" said Micah "yeah" everyone other the Micah screamed " you guys stop it she not a threat anymore" Penny says to everyone "not a threat? Just a minute ago you wanted to kill her and now you say she's not a threat" Abrella says as everyone nodes there head "don't worry I won't do anything bad I Promise" I say in my human voice to reinsert them but it does not work so Penny tells them what I told her a little while ago " Ok so we need to find the Silent Shadows but how are we going to track them we might all be good at computers but we're not that good at tracking people down" Micah says " yes you have a point but I think I know someone who is" I say with my usual smirk "Oh no way" Penny says stepping backwards, she knows who exactly who I mean "Yes way" I say faceing Penny with a bigger smirk on my face as I snap My fingers a boy wearing all blue even his glasses appeared, the only part of him that wasn't blue was his hair and eyes( and obviously his skin wasn't blue) they were brown "hello Allen" I say as I turn myself to look Like Lacey witch was eazy because we share the same body, allen didn't see me in my normal form because he had his eyes close as he was groaning in pain from the fall "Uh L-Lacey where are we?" He says confused at where he was and why he is here " Oh nevermind that but because your here can you do us a favor please" I say as I pull him off the ground, Allen was shorter than me so I had to look down at him, "um sure what is it"he said not really sure what he just agreed to " I need you to track some people named The Silent Shadows" I say as nice as I can "THE SILENT SHADOWS WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU WANT TO TRACK THEM?" Allen screamed backing away from us "It's nothing for you to worry about so Please do this for me it's super important" I say giving Allen my puppy dog eyes, Allen sighs "fine but only this once I don't want to die yet" Allen says looking norvise "Thankkkkk you I say giving him a big hug" Allen then let go and started walking towards a computer on a table "where the hell did that computer and table come from" Dani whispers in my ear "I put it there when Allen appeared" I say walking towards Allen who was sitting at the computer waiting for us to follow him "so do you want me to track them to their hideout or what?" Allen asks "Yes please" I say and then Allen gets to work.

(5 hours of tracking later)

  "Done" Allen said as he turned to face me "great so where is there hideout located" I say sounding tired but happy " It seems there hideout is a old abandoned Doll making factory located east of New York" Allen says getting up from the computer chair and walking towards me "thank you a lot Allen I really owe you one" I say with a smile as Allen walks passed me "yeah don't meanchen it Lacey so where can I leave to go home from" He says as he stops walking, I then snap my fingers and a door appears in front of Allen "Thanks and Tell Penny I said congratulations"Allen said walking through the door, Allen was Penny's first boyfriend out of anyone and there breakup didn't go so well so everytime penny gets a new "boy toy" he says congratulations just to piss her off, the door then disappeared and penny comes out of her hiding place "he's wrong Zack's the one for me" Penny says smiling at me with her hands over her heart "I believe you" I say walking away.

"Where going to New york!!!!" Jay said excited about going to her hometown "Yep so let's get packing and we'll meet up at Penny's and Lacey's house" I say snapping my fingers seeding all of us home. Penny went to her room and I went to mine or Laceys, Laceys room had violet colored walls and the floor had white colored carpet, the room was clean not even a speck of dirt anywhere "clean freak" I say as I take suitcase out from the closet and as I do something fall to the ground I carefully sit the suitcase on the bed and make my back to the object that fell on the ground, it was a picture frame with a picture of Lacey and Marcus, I remember when this picture was taken, it was their first date all of a sudden tears started going down my face"what why am I crying" Oh it's Lacey shes crying, no we're crying "Marcus.........I miss you" I say falling to my knee crying and little did I know Penny was leaning on the door frame.

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This is what Allen looks like and because of the app I was using I couldn't fine any good glasses so the image below him is what his glasses look like

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This is what Allen looks like and because of the app I was using I couldn't fine any good glasses so the image below him is what his glasses look like.

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