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Giggling happily, Taehyung enters his house. He steps in and takes off his shoes, announcing his arrival to his parents who are usually home.

"Ma! Papa! I am back~!!"

He rushes inside, the smile never leaving his face, hoping to find his parents in the dining. Yet he was met with a cold and empty room.

'thats weird...' he thinks. Walking over to the fridge, Taehyung tries to spot a yellow sticky note that his parents alway leave before going somewhere. But there was none.

Worry floods his mind and Taehyung immediately takes out his phone to dial them.

Tawhyung lets out a breath he didnt even know he was holding when he sees that his parents picked up the phone. Placing the phone near his ear, Taehyung softly greets his parents, "Momma? Where are you guys?"

The line stays silent for a few moments till a pitched scream is heard and a reply soon after.

"Taehyungie, sorry bubba, we had to rush out for a bit."

A understanding smile graces Taehyung's features and he lets his parents do their work. He cuts the call after he says his good wishes,

"Okay ma! Just make sure to stay safe~!! Bye bye!!"

He puts the phone on the table amd nods to himself. Taehyung walks over to the overhead cupboards and opens them, trying to search for a few snacks to eat.

Spotting a few chips, Taehyung grabs them and heads upstairs, completely forgetting about his phone. He enters his room and jumps on the bed, bouncing on the soft mattress in glee.

Turning on his projector, he sets up his mini home theatre and relaxes himself as he starts up a new episode of Riverdale.

- - - - - -

Engrossed in his own world, Taehyung realised that it was getting late after his alarm clock started buzzing. Sighing, he gets up, stretching his muscles. The blonde trots to the shower and gets ready for a quick rinse.

Taehyung freshens up and gets dressed up into his oversized white shirt and tucks it onto the blue skirt. Satisfied with himself, Taehyung admired himself in the mirror.

The sudden ringing of the bell brought taehyung back to reality. Hurriedly rushing downstairs as the doorbell rings like an annoying buzzer.


The boy huffs out, annoyed at the sound. Unlocking the locks, he opens the door, onto to be met with a rather bloody scene.

Taehyungs dad, half-conscious and leaning onto this ravenette and the man he saw infront of the cafe today, whereas his mother was fully passed out and carried by a woman with pigtails. And needless to say that all of them were covered in blood.

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