Chapter Seven

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Shouto stared at his phone while listening to the silence in his room, you could hear a pin drop.
He sighed and kicked on his worn-out shoes, ready to pick up his roommate from the bar.

The taller male pulled over in the driveway, and made his way into the bar, filled with colorful lights and music booming.
This is going to take a while to find Deku, Shouto thought.
Finally, when Shouto found Izuku, he grabbed his wrist gently.

"Come on, let's go." Izuku flinched, he turned around to see a familiar face and exhaled.
"I don't wanna," the green-haired boy pulled away.
"Why not?"
"Just 'cause. 'Cause you tricked me."
"We'll talk about it on the way. Just... just please?"
Izuku thought for a moment. "Alright."
"Where are the rest?" The taller male turned to look for the duo.
"Mm, over there." Izuku pointed to the dance floor, and there Shouto saw Bakugou and Kirishima, drunkenly, and Kaminari dancing wildly by himself.

Shouto was seated in his car with Izuku. Bakugou, Kaminari, and Kirishima, were fast asleep in the back seat.
"So..." He started.
"So," Izuku replied. This conversation wasn't going anywhere.
"Do you like me?"
There was a pause. "Yeah."
"Sorry for... tricking you back then. I should've told you who you were calling in the very beginning. Sorry."
"It's okay. Well, now you know." Izuku laughed dryly.
And so, they stayed silent the whole car ride.

The group went into their respective dorm rooms and went to bed without another word.

Shouto and Izuku got dressed for the next morning, and the walk to the cafeteria was silent.
After they sat down and started to eat, the rest of the group noticed the tense air between them.
"Hey, did you two fight or somethin'?" Mina asked with her mouth full. Shouto shuddered.
"Trouble in paradise?" Uraraka smirked.
No one replied.

"Hey, uh, Deku?" Shouto began as the two returned to their dorm room. "Can we talk?"
"I- yeah. Yeah, sure." The shorter male sat down on Shouto's bed, and Shouto did the same.
"So, er, you like me."
"I like you, yes."
"Is it safe to say... that I... I like you, too?"
Izuku's eyes lit up, he looked like a deer in the headlights.
"W-What? You really do?"
"Mhm." Shouto hummed softly.
"Then, uh, th-that's great."

They both stared at each other, legs crisscrossed and stayed uncomfortably silent.

"Can I kiss you?" Shouto blurted out. Once again, the green-haired boy had his eyes wide and cheeks tinted pink. "Y-Yeah."
Slowly, Shouto leaned in and closed his eyes, Izuku did the same and pressed his soft lips against Izuku's. They let the moment linger for a while longer.

Shouto pulled away first and saw the other boy sitting across him, his face seemed very red. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Was it good?" He asked Izuku.
"Y-Yeah. It was."
They both smiled.

Sorry for the half-assed chapter h. I hope you like it anyway!

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