CHAPETER 2 Good news & Bad news

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" ok so i have good news and bad news " the doctor said

" the good news is that the operation was a success and mister Min pulled out through we will now move him to the ICU to rest , and the bad news is ... that he took the full blast of the crash and has sustained serious injuries of a broken leg and arm , damaged his neck and had a massive internal bleeding but we took care of that it's just that he has lost a lot of blood , way more then a person should lose honestly i'm surprised that he's still alive "

" But you took care of that too right ?!!" jungkook said barely holding himself from crying again .

" well we did replace all the blood that he has lost but unfortunately his body took to much shock to indure it which led him to slip into a coma to recover " doctor continued

" a coma ?!!!!!!" they all said at once

" you're kidding right , yoongi-hyung is in a coma !!! oh my god i can't beleive it " V said while almost collapsing into the floor but jimin caught him

" i'm sorry to be the one to deliver this news for you but from what I've seen miser Min is fighter to pull through everything so i believe he'll pull through this too but just it might take him some time to recover coma patients are hard to predict when or how will they awake but in his case i think it would take some time "

" take him some time ? like how much weeks ?!! , months !!!? " jhope said almost yelling

" as i said coma patients are hard to be predicted , he'll be in the ICU as i said earlier you can visit him if you want but just two at the same time " and with that the doctor walked away

All the members headed to the ICU to meet a pale , weak , too still yoongi who was hooked up with numerous wires and a long tube that went down in his throat , it was a breathing tube to help him breath the six members figured .

" i can't believe it , like just hours ago we were playing and having fun now we're here and hyung is half dead !!"

" HEY !! don't say that " RM YELLED at jungkook

" why ? why did it had to be him , i couldn't protect him , it's all my fault " Jin said looking down at the floor

" NO hyung its not your fault , none of this is our fault , its the stupid ashole drunk driver of the other car that we should blame " jimin said

" But.... " " he's right you know Jin - hyung " RM interrupted Jin

" yah ... i think you're right " jin said

" we need to be strong for him and be here with his side all the time and help him get through this " tae said

"look whose speaking , the one who almost fainted by just hearing that Suga - hyung is in a coma " jungkook teased

" hey i didn't faint !"

" yeah what ever " 

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