Waking Up

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 Suga's POV : i can feel someone holding my hand but i'm just so tired , i can't move .., it's like my body won't respond to me , i only manage to twitch my fingers a little but then suddenly i hear a voice calling me , it's Tae ! i can feel him squeezing my hand stronger , i HAVE to wake up but i only manage a groan , i think RM is here too , i'm trying to open my eyes but they won't goddamn open ! i hear Taehyung's voice again .. encouraging me and that gives me a boost , my eyelids starts lifting , a sharp light stabs my eyes and everything is a blur , i blink a couple times to clear the fog in my vision and as i look up i was met with a teary gaze of tae "it's really good to see those eyes again hyung" he says , for a second i was relieved but then i felt a sharp pain in my chest , as i look down i see a tube .. A TUBE down my throat !

End of POV : " it's really good to see those eyes again hyung" , i said with a shaky voice but suddenly i can see panic rising up in hyung , he soon starts choking on the tube , the monitor is speeding , V stands wide eyed not knowing what to do until his train of thought gets cut off when a doctor and couple of nurses come rushing into the room followed behind by Namjoon , " HE'S CHOKING ! " V screams while being pushed aside by the nurses

" Yoongi -ssi , i'm going to take this tube out but i need you to cough as hard as you can when i start removing it , can you do that ? " the doctor said and started shouting medical stuff to the nurses as soon as Yoongi gave him small nod , Namjoon and Tae were in the far corner of the room watching the horrible scene with scarred eyes as they saw the tube coming out from Suga's throat who looked pale and suffering Breath Yoongi ! , slow and deep breaths " the doctor said when Suga got his breathing under control both of his band mates came to his side and reassured him "Hey Yoongi-hyung , you scared there for a moment " RM said

Suga tried to say something but when he opened his mouth no voice came out , he looked at the doctor with concern "the tube has been in your throat for a while , it's just dry don't worry a couple of ice-chips should do the work to bring your voice back " the doctor told him as a nurse came with a bag of ice chips " i ..i got it " V said as he took the bag and put some in the mouth of Yoongi who gave an appreciation look " rest up and we'll come back after a while to check you up " , Yoongi gave him a small smile and nod , "What happened ? " he tried to say but instead a horse whisper came out " We were in car accident Hyung " RM said Suga narrowed hi eyes a little and then went wide as he remembered the car that was swerving and was about to hit them and where were the others ? they are probably hurt badly that's why they aren't here or worse ! they could be dead ! , he didn't realize his heart rate was speeding until V said " It's okay hyung , you're fine , we're all fine , we just had a couple of bruises and some broken bones but we are okay , actually you're the one who had it worse then the rest of us , you see .. you were in a coma " Yoongi looked confused " yeah ... doctor said that you lost a lot of blood and your body shut down to like regenerate " Suga sighed but was grateful that the others were fine , it didn't matter that he was injured as long as his brothers were fine . " Oh ! i should call the others and tell them that you are awake , they will kill me for not calling them sooner" Namjoon said , V and Suga both looked at each other and laughed

Loud thuds and fast footsteps could be heard from the hospital as 4 boys came rushing down o a certain room , could it be real ?! could Yoongi finally is awake ! they believed that when they found a pale looking fragile of Yoongi sitting up in his bed but awake ... Jimin launched at Yoongi and gave him a crushing hug as tears ran freely down his puffy cheeks , JK let out a soft sob as he too came to give him a hug , so did Jhope and Jin just stood at the doorway with wide eyes " What ? you won't give me a hug too omma ?! " Suga said with a small voice and his gummy smile painted on his face, and before they all know , they were in group hug , all of them surrounding the bed and hugging each other .

After the whole affectionate moment , a doctor came in and checked yoongi up and told him that he will be kept under a 48h observation and then will be released and can go home , that news made everyone squee like little children and they all started planning a big sleepover together in the living room as soon as Yoongi gets discharged , as for Suga he just watched silently his brothers arguing about the movie they should pick with a smile and that's when he remembered how noisy and annoying his dongsaengs could be .

Author's note : This story is finally finished after a long time , i had some troubles in y life and totally forgot about it but four days i remembered it and decided to write a chapter each day and finish it , i'm still a beginner at writing and this is my first story i ever write in my whole life and i know it's not that good but not that bad too... i think hh , anyways hope you enjoyed reading this story and feel free to tell me any advice or requests and thank you for reading this , it means a lot . 

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