-Chapter one- introduction.

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Well I am Tabitha. I'm known by my family and close confidents as Tabby. And before you ask, no I do not mean like a tabby cat. I'm a werewolf. That's right I'm a mythical creature. And let's just make that worse by throwing in the fact that I am the werewolves princess. Been the first born of my father King Lorcan and my mother Queen Hope I have to take over the kingdom and rule over the entire werewolf community. Walking through the kingdom I am followed by my close guards.

I'd hide if I could but I'm not hard to miss. I have waist long purple hair. I have lilac eyes to match and my skin is as pale as the winters snow. I have the tattoo showing the mark that I'm a royal. It really is beautiful. It's gold and lilac it's the shape of a crown with a crescent moon the lilac diamond making it look amazing.

Oh did I forget to mention I have a twin brother. Yeah he is amazing. He is always their for me. His name you ask is Prince Leonardo. He has silver eyes an the blondeist hair. We are identical in looks other then our hair and eye colour. He is 6'3 were as I am a mere 5'9 small I know but you know what they say. Good things come in small packages.

Then my friends is my bestest friend forever Miss Zina Blaze. She was my servant until I put my foot down and told my father she is to become a member of the family so she is my sister.

She is a werewolf also she was a simple omega but now she ranks as my beta. I've trained her myself made her the hardest female to beat. Although I'm still stronger I won't show it I like been in the shadows. I like hiding behind my mother and father.

I am due to turn 18 in 4 weeks. Just 1 month. And I wish I wouldn't. You see on my 18th birthday my parents have arranged a mating ball. And it just so happens it will be held on the blue moon. To us werewolves it means to the royal that you have no choice but to find your mate that's when the call is at it's strongest. Your thinking great another cliche. But you are 110% wrong. Yes I may be the princess. Yes I may be the next alpha.

Yes I have no choice but to find my mate. But I will fight every fibre of that damned bond. I'm sick of been told its a right of passage. I'm to become queen so I need a mate to help me rule. But I will prove them wrong. I will NOT mate. Nope. Never. Even if it means been killed.....

Tabitha has powers. The first royal was the only royal to have powers. After he died everyone thought the power had died within him. But they were wrong. Tabitha's inherited his powers. She has his powers and strength. And much. Much more


{Tabitha's P.O.V}

Pulling the large diamond cross necklace over her head she bit her lip looking in the mirror. Her lilac eyes wide as she twirled aimlessly on a stand of her hair, tonight was the night, tonight she was going to walk into her fathers office and tell him she didn't want a mate. Her heart rate racing she sighed pulling open her door coming face to chest with a wall of muscle she looked up seeing his jaw she sighed seeing one of her close guards "Alec I'm fine I'm just going to my fathers quarters I'm not leaving the castle" her voice soft as her hand tightened on the door handle a little too hard "look go find your mate I'm sure she misses you. You haven't left my door all night I'm going to be ok I promise. Father will be mad I'm sure of that but he won't hurt me" her small hand rested against his shoulder as she watched the muscle in his jaw twitch.

His eyes black his olive coloured skin making his black wavy hair look impossibly thick

"Having a mate isn't that bad tabby. You should deal with that fact, you use to be so excited. It's all you would talk about" hearing his soft voice she shook her head

"Don't.....just don't Alec go" she took a shuddery breath. Hearing him grumble she shook her head she may not get her wolf till the day of her birthday but been a royal she had heightened senses.

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