-Chapter Two-a week

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"Sweetie please, you need to eat something" hearing the softness to her mothers tone her eyes hardened as her hand tightened on the glass.

"No. I won't. I will. Maybe when he" she jabbed her finger at her father "allows me to escape the mating bond" her eyes dark as she stared into her glass trying to see something that was not their she didn't hear his reply the blood pounding in her ears made it hard for her to concentrate.

"Tabby" Zina's voice appeared at her side as she looked up from her glass she smiled softly "please eat. You look in pretty bad shape....please"

Standing she shook her head "I meant what I said Zina. I will die before I mate with someone" hearing her fathers growl she walked out and back to her room as she spelled the door again. I will show him I'm strong enough. I will prove him wrong...... I hope


Laying between her sheets she kept her eyes closed, she had not left her room in 3 weeks. And she knew that dreaded ball drew closer. She had not eaten. Neither had she consumed any liquid. She had a week until her's and her twins 18th and she wished that it would just disappear she wished she was 3 again when her and Leo had been carefree. She had felt his pain through their bond from been separated she had not spoken to anyone as she was too weak to even move her muscles.

"Z...z...." she stammered through a closed mind link her breathing laboured. she could feel to worry of the family as she concentrated keeping their link open "Zina. please come too m...my room" she laid in her bed as if it had been her death bed "and come alone or the spell will not lower" she closed her eyes as she licked her lower lip

Now I know what your all thinking. Not one of her family members had tried to break down the door. See I'm special and no one knows of it. Only me myself and I. I can't trust no one. Not even my own family. Her smile fading as she remembered the scene last night.

"you open this door this instant young lady" the sound of her father made her roll her eyes velemacly

"Go away" she snapped. "I have been here 3 weeks. I will remain here. I will not mate, you cant make me " she spat curling under her blanket. Why would she want to mate when she loved another.

"OPEN THE DOOR" he roared ramming the door she laid a smirk played on her lips as she laid listening. Wanting to giggle at the thought of her father the king going red in the face as his anger raised.

"maybe....maybe we should do as she asks Lorcan......she wishes to not be mated" hearing her mothers voice break she winced knowing even her mothers pleas to her mate wouldn't work. "its been 2 weeks.....i can't loose my daughter" she heard the sob which made her heart throb painfully.

"No. Hope..the ball will go ahead. The invites have been sent. Every eligible unmated male will be at that ball and so shall our daughter. I will not have her disgrace this family. No. I will not hear of it" and with that they all left from her door

*end of flashback*

Sighing she shook her head hearing the movement of her heavy door moving her head too see her sisters face. Seeing the pain in her eyes the worry that covered her features she bit her lip "come sit, don't just stand their zina" her voice sounded too weak so she sighed closing her eyes

"L...let me go fetch the doctor tabby.....please" Zina's voice cracked with each word

"No......" her head moved as she stared at the ceiling "I'm dying Zi. I can feel the moon goddess.....she is close" she whispered her hand holding her sisters hand as she heard the sobs wrack her small frame

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