twenty one.

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A/N: I'm back! I decided to post the chapter earlier than my usual schedule :D

How are y'all doing? I hope you're having / had a great day! Have you hit your water quota for the time of the day? Have you eaten your meals?? Did you get enough rest???

Anyway, I hope I succeeded in making Joonie sound intelligent and manipulative and convincing enough when I'm just a dumb lil goldfish in real life haha

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Whoever was controlling the weather seemed to took pity on you.

After countless times blocking out the sun from entering your room and wishing the ball of fiery gas would explode from within, the clouds decided to especially gather themselves and summoned heavy rain upon whatever city you were forced to live in. Pelts of water hit your barricaded window, small at first, turning heavy in a matter of few minutes.

It was as if the heavens cried along with you, dragging down your solemn mood further. Cold air bit against your skin, and as you curled in bed with your blanket, you thought you would be spending the whole day in the bed yet again.

Your thoughts was proven wrong when Namjoon knocked on your door and excused himself in.

"How are you doing, babe?"

Sighing, you turned away from him and burrowed your face to your pillow, signaling your desire to be left alone. His company felt intrusive in the safe haven of your room.

"You've been cooping yourself up in here a lot," he hummed casually, "Don't you want to go explore outside? It's a big world out there. You haven't seen anything Korea has to offer."

"Go.... outside?" You gulp, the memories of your humiliating encounters flashing in your mind. The judging looks. The pitying smiles. The foreign words which might have been an insult for all you knew.

"Oh? I thought you wanted to go out," Namjoon's smile stayed, as if he was playing around with your emotions-- playing around with you, "You want to go back. Didn't you?"

"I still do!"

"Really, because you don't sound so sure."

Maybe it was because you were so drained emotionally, or maybe it was your real feelings, but his words struck something in you. The days you were cooped here was like being in a limbo. You honestly weren't so sure of what you wanted anymore.

"Are you saying.... you'd let me to.... to go outside?"

"The others, most probably not. But I would," he glanced at the window and then back to you, gaze narrowing, "I would, but since you haven't been a good girl... Maybe not for the time being."

"Then why did you bother asking? I'm not playing your stupid mind game!" you snarled and hugged your pillow, turning away from Namjoon and his stupidly calm face, "I just want things to go back to normal! I'm anxious and exhausted and I'm just-- tired of it all!"

You had hoped that he would relent and leave you to your devices. Instead, he climbed the bed and sat on the edge, watching your back with a frown, "But we've been taking care of you like we always did, babe. All that's changed was the location and your behavior towards us."

"You forgot the abduction and confinement part."

Namjoon watched you carefully, the gears turning in his brain. He couldn't deny what had happened, and while your reaction was within his predictions, you were more stubborn than he thought. Sticking to morals and normalcy like the model student that you were.

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