Slightly drunk & jealous pt. 1

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Warning: Smut
Top: Taehyung
Bottom: Jimin
We're starting off well ahahahahah
(Btw, Jimin's really innocent in this)

(This is my FIRST smut ever, so please bare with my probs really bad smuttyness? Anyways, this is probs also gonna be the longest smut I've ever written if I ever had written anything lmao, bye)

1.9k words
Third POV:

Taehyung was starting to get tired of Jimin acting like a slut. Literally, he was fooling around with Jungkook and Hoseok and Yoongi, the only ones he didn't fool around with was Namjoon and Seokjin but only because they were a official couple (at least in the group of friends), and Taehyung was sick and tired of it because Jimin damn well knew he was Taehyung's. Or well, he didn't actually, but he still had absolutely no right to act like that. He belonged to Taehyung. He couldn't help it, he just got easily jealous and damn was he greedy with what he considered his.

They all just came home from a night out, they had visited an amusement park and after that went out to get something to drink. And Taehyung got drunk. Only slightly tho. But he wasn't the only one. Yoongi and Namjoon were both really drunk and Jungkook and Hoseok were slightly, just like himself. The only ones sober was Jimin and Seokjin, so they made sure everyone got home safely.

The whole way back home, Hoseok had basically dragged Yoongi with him. Yoongi were so drunk he kept babbling about how much he wanted to suck Hoseok off and they all were starting to get tired of listening to it.

"Hoseok, can't you just shut him up? Go get yourself a room so he can do what he gotta do, I'm tired of listening to his horny, detailed shit." Seokjin spoke thought irritated, gritted teeth, meanwhile he had a drunk and also horny Namjoon hanging over his shoulder.

Hoseok's cheeks got painted with a hint of pink but he also had a slight smirk on his face. Looks like he finally got what he wanted. Him and Yoongi left to a room unknown.

Now, the only one left was Jungkook, Seokjin, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin and honestly, Taehyung just wanted to go to his and Jimin's shared room.

"Ugh, I'll take Joon to bed now, I don't wanna deal with his hormones right now." Seokjin spoke, lifting up in Namjoon's arms a little more. "You should also go to bed now."

"Yeah, you're right." Taehyung said, staring at Jungkook who was too close to his Jimin.

"Right. Night Seokjin Hyung." Jungkook said, when Seokjin left the room with Namjoon over his shoulder.

"Soooooooooooooo, Jimin, you wanna come play some games with me? I don't wanna sleep just yet." Jungkook asked.

Taehyung stared holes into Jungkook's soul. No way Jimin was gonna spend the night in Jungkook's room with a slightly drunk Jungkook who obviously wanted something else than "play some games".

"Umh, yeah, su-" Jimin got cut off by Taehyung who suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"I think it's better if Jungkook get some sleep Jimin, the kid is drunk, he needs to rest." Taehyung said sassily. Heck no, Jimin was gonna stay with him tonight, in THEIR room.

Jungkook was pissed and Taehyung could see it. He just smirked because he knew Jimin would agree with him on that.

"You're right Tae, c'mon, you should get some rest too." Jimin took Taehyung's arm and started to walk towards their shared bedroom. Taehyung looked back at a angry and drunk Jungkook with a victorious smirk playing on his lips. That kid would never get what was rightfully Taehyung's.

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