Chapter 33

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Robotic Human Love

Avery's POV

I went into the parts and service, forcing myself to keep my eyes straight forward and not wander to Chica, who I feel I have hurt more then the flames I made could. I feared that if I looked at her, my already shattered heart would turn to dust and I would break down and tell her the truth just to end it all now. But I couldn't. Not now, I have to wait, for patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait but....well that happen to me? I'm basically risking my life with chances not really in my favor, like Katniss in the Hunger Games, when he shows up and Chica is already messing with my head and heart.

Once I entered the parts and service room, I kicked the table in the center of the room over, causing the spare heads, full of parts, to fall to the ground in a large crash. The second the heads hit the ground I heard the sounds of the old, rusted restants snap, causing a chain reaction to echo through the building. Hearing the sounds, scared the living day lights out me as my blood ran cold, and my skin to turn pale, I must have looked like a walking ghost or corpse as I stare wide eyed at the fallen heads as the sounds died down and the head stops moving. 'No matter how well prepared I am for this job, the nightmares could not have prepared me to hear all that. Damn, now I feel what all the other guards felt, including him when hearing the spin-chilling sound of the restaints snapping into place,' I thought as I picked up the table and parts.

'No use getting frusterated over a girl Avery. No matter, how smart, stubborn, kind, cute....' I shake my head to clear my head. 'Focus you idoit! I can't get frustrated with her and lose my head or I will literaly at the hands of the others. Damn it! Why do I have to fall for the one person I must get to hate me! The one person who can challenge me and...Gah! Damn you Chica. Just hate me already and end this suffering!' I thought as I glare at the door hoping that she could feel it. I growled out in frustraion and just want to pace in the small room but at the moment they must be wondering with the fuck just happened in here and I have the feeling Chica would be worried. She won't show it to me but I well be able to tell.

I sigh and grab the tools while running one hand through my hair. I took a deep breath and put on my mask that I wear at night then left the small room. "Sorry about that y'all. Would you believe me when I say that I lost my cool?" I asked as I walk over to them. The males of the group glare and look at me suspicously but true to what I thought I saw worry in Chica's eyes. I had to restrain myself from grimcing as I felt hurt by it. I shook it off and started to get to work, holding a false smile on my face and not saying a word to them, not just yet anyway.

The midnight tolled marking the start of a new week long game of them trying to catch me and stuff me in a suit. That is if they can catch or they don't torture me first. I had finished the repairs of them a few minutes earlier, avoiding eye contact or speaking with Chica, now I stand in the center of the room and the males of the group are slowly circling around me, trying to scare me. They should know that they don't scare me only Chica can do that. "Last song for tonight guys. After that, none for a while so..." I took a deep breath, preparing the song I chose for tonight. Run run by Chaotic Canine Culture.

"Welcome to the Five Nights at Freddy's Experience." I sang in Nightmare's deep eletronic voice. "For your safety, for the children's safety and for those around you. Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run." I sang, I see the gang visablly shaking with the shivers I'm sending down their exoskeletal spines. "Let me welcome you new comer to your new job. If you listen, you'll survive this. I believe that you can overcome the terrors that you'll see here. The puppet's watching, always stalking be careful now." I sang in Fredstier's voice. I can see the gang stop a bits away from me and are staring at me curiously but only Chica can guess why I'm singing this song.

"Second night will we survive the demonized animatronic? Come third night, I've lost my sight. Reset the cameras, seal the air vent. Listen closely hear him crawling in the air ducts. System reset! Hallucinating, vision fading, they're watching me, anticipating." I sang and I saw across the looks of the animatronics trying to surrond me were thinking of the toys. "Run, run! Crash the system. From Freddy, Run, run! Will you make it? Run, run! Keep it steady. Run, run! While they're not here. Run, run! Mangle's screaming. Run, run! System error. Watch your breathing." I sang as I let out Jackson's chilling laugh.

Foxy's ears perked up at hearing it, probably thinking it was his laugh I was useing but both his and Jackson's as different. Foxy's was more...hearty, while Jackson's preditced your death. "Now it's 6AM you've made it it through the night. One more down, two more to go. How long can you survive? The terror here, it's very very real. Five night. You'll simpley just live or you'll die." I sang before vanishing into thin air, off to someplace else in the pizzeria so I can sort my thoughts.

Chica's POV

Hearing that song, told me it was a last warning for me. For me to run away from all of this while I still can for whenever the nightmare's plan come into effect, they well be watching along with her. She wants me to run from the nightmares but I feel there is a bit more to it from the lyrics. More specficly the first second half after demonized animatronic.

'I wonder what she meant by thise particler lyrics. She won't make it easy but maybe I can get her to talk. I well be betraying her but maybe I could try to charm her? No, she loves me but she is not stupid enough to let me fool her with charm alone. I have to use my wits to out smart her in our little chess match.' I thought as I went around with the others to search for Avery even though my reasons were different from their's. 'Hmm....I have to sneak to the ware houses in town and hope to find the ones where the nightmares are based at. Maybe then I can have some more real clues.' I thought before I felt a hand on my arm and the floor suddenly falling under me before returning a second after.

I looked around me and saw I was outside on the roof of the building. "Beautiful view isn't it Chica?" I heard a familier voice say. I turn around and came face to face with a smirking Avery but the look in her eyes and the feel in her smirk spoke of love and worry.

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