Time loop aftermath

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     Paul runs through the dimly lit corridors of the Discovery, knowing Hugh is right behind him. He has to find someone who will listen to him. Hugh doesn't believe him, no matter how much he tries to stress that he's telling the truth. His husband always takes him to medbay for more and more testing that lasts the entire time loop. Paul sees Michael and Tyler at the end of the hall by the turbolifts, but the sound of phaser fire behind him makes him turn around. He starts running in the opposite direction, terrified of what he's going to find. The first thing he sees is a white pant leg, making him run even faster. Hugh is lying on the floor, bleeding from his chest. Blood is seeping thru his stark white uniform and staining the metal floor underneath him. Paul slides to his knees next to him. "Hugh!" He pulls the doctor into his arms. He sees Harry Mudd grinning widely as he walks towards the turbolifts. "Hugh, stay with me. Somebody get the CMO!" He yells at the cadets standing around. Hugh tries to keep focusing on Paul's face, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. He whimpers quietly from the pain, knowing he's dying. He's going to leave his scientist alone. The man who can barely go one night without his doctor. They've been together so long; it's almost painful to be apart. Paul holds his husband lose to him. "I can't do this without you Hugh. The CMO is coming. Just hold on. You're going to be ok." He doesn't care if he's begging. Hugh coughs more blood out and onto his once white uniform. "P-Paul......it's going to be ok...." He whispers weakly. "Honey, it's too late for me. It's too late.....p-promise me something." Paul shakes his head furiously. "No....we can save you. I can save you. Don't you give up on me." Hugh has a tear running down his face. "Please Paul." He says quietly and Paul finds himself nodding. He never could deny his man anything. "Ok..Ok. I promise. What am I promising?"

"F-find a man.....a good, h-honest man who loves you for y-you......you have to move on. Don't t-take life for granted. Adopt a child and teach them everything about the universe." He whispers, his heart beating slower and slower. Blood is soaking into Paul's navy blue uniform, turning it almost black. Tears are flowing from the lieutenant's eyes as he nods. "I.....I will Hugh, for you I will." Hugh smiles softly, hearing Paul's steady heartbeat. "I love you Paul Stamets." He murmurs quietly, his eyes drifting closed. Paul's world stops when Hugh's chest fails to rise again. He sobs loudly, holding his love closer than ever. "I love you too Hugh. I love you. Don't leave me." Suddenly, everything around him fades out....

     Paul bolts up in bed, the room is dark and the other side of the bed is cold. Hugh's pajamas lay on his side of the bed, unworn. The white, medic uniforms hang in the closet, the mirror door still wide open. The pair of toothbrushes lay on the dark colored counter in the bathroom, untouched. With a whoosh, the doors open and a figure steps in. Paul looks up, seeing his husband alive and well.......not exactly well, but he's alive. His dear doctor walks in, slipping off his boots he's had on for the past 12 hours. Hugh sees Paul sitting up in their shared bed. "I didn't mean to wake you honey." He says, just now noticing the tears falling down his partner's face. "Paul what's wrong?" He sets down his stack of PAADs and his metal case full of his tools. He sits down on the bed, instantly pulling Paul to his chest. Paul breaks down in his arms, sobbing hard now, remembering what had to have been a nightmare. Between sobs, he tells Hugh what happened. Hugh listens patiently until Paul finishes, crying and getting his uniform wet. "Paul, look at me for a minute." When Paul looks down, a soft touch of his fingers bring his head up again. "Honey, that was just a nightmare. Harry Mudd isn't here anymore, ok? You took care of him. I'm right here." He smiles reassuringly, kissing his forehead. "Come on, let's brush our teeth. I'll change and then we can cuddle until we fall asleep ok?" He smiles when Paul nods, getting up and going to the bathroom. Hugh changes into his darker red pajamas and joins him in the bathroom. He'll do anything to help convince his man that he's ok. Once they're back in bed, Hugh pulls him close so Paul can hear his heart beating. "I'm still here. I'm breathing, my heart is beating. Can you hear it? I'm always going to be by your side." He rubs his partner's back until he falls asleep, the stress from the day reaches the doctor's tired body. "I'm going to protect you, mushroom." He whispers, falling asleep with a smile. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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