"We've Told People Before..."

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They kissed again, open-mouthed this time. Tongues twisting yet still soft. Harry pulled his husband onto his lap as they continued kissing like a pair of Hogwarts third years. It'd been ages since they'd kissed that way and Harry was about to say how much he missed being like this with Draco when there was a hard knock on the door and Ron came waltzing in flipping through a folder without looking up.

"Oi, Harry, we have a case toda-" Ron froze when he finally looked up at his best friend with a blond lounging in his lap. "Malfoy."


"So, we're telling people now?" he asked with a tired sort of look that told them he already expected disagreement.

"Not in so many words," Harry said, sitting further into his seat and rubbing Draco's back. "Brittwood knows now, but I don't think we're going around making any announcements or anything. Are we?"

Draco pushed himself somewhat excitedly from Harry's lap. He turned to run from the room and his husband grabbed his wrist.

"Draco," the man said a mix between a whine and surprise.

"I'm not going to make announcements," the blonde said immediately, but he was purposefully not making eye contact. "I'm going to schedule a portkey before the offices close for the day."

Harry narrowed his eyes, but let him go anyway. Once the pale man was gone Ron turned to face him.

"So we are telling people, then?" Ron asked again just to be sure.

"Yeah...yeah, I think we are." Harry couldn't contain the smile on his face. Whenever people from work had asked about his home life he lied about it or avoided it altogether. They knew he had someone. He wore his ring (without a glamour), his hair had been tamed somewhat over the last few years and his uniform was always pressed and sealed properly. It was clear someone at home loved him. He just could never tell them who before, but that didn't mean they stopped asking or trying to set him up. "But only if they ask about it. We're all adults here. I don't care what they think either way, really, but if they ask, then..." he shrugged.

Draco stopped putting a glamour on his ring. No one really noticed much of a difference. It was a traditional Malfoy wedding band so those who did notice, thought it was from his late father. They sent looks, but nothing more.

It made Harry elated, clearly, but no one asked for the next week and a half. Harry didn't want to be that guy. The one that walked around asking about everyone's weekend plans just to see if they asked him, but he did it anyway. The only person who asked in reciprocation was Hermione who thought he and Draco wanted to have dinner with her and Ron when he came to her office while asking around.

"No, just wondering what everyone was...er...up to?"

"You're telling people now, aren't you?" she said somewhat excited with a sort of proud gleam in her eyes and he shoved at her shoulder.

"We've told people before..." he responded pouting.

"Oh, you know what I mean."

"Draco told Brittwood."

"Harry!" she said getting more excited. "That's great! It means he's making progress. He's comfortable in his career and more than comfortable in his relationship with you and-"

"Yeah," Harry said cutting her off, "I just wish...I don't know- Did you ever feel like you wanted to tell everyone about you and Ron? Like you wanted the whole world to know?" he asked quietly, not quite looking at her.

"Yes. Well, that's what weddings are typically for," she says before talking very slowly. "but...Harry, you didn't get to have that. You were both so busy with work and building a name for yourselves after the war. You get to be excited now."

He smiled at the ground before looking up into her eyes.


"You know, you could even renew your vows. It'd be so nice to have everyone there this time. Draco could have the full show he wanted last time."

"The show he deserves," Harry said more to himself and finally agreed with his friend. "Hey, 'Mione, could you, maybe..."

"Of course I'll help plan it! Should I call Luna, Rolf and Ginny to help?" she said conjuring an extra sheet of parchment from the desk in front of her and holding her self inking quill onto the page waiting for instruction, some of the ink bleeding onto her ring covered fingers.

"Yeah, of course," he said off handedly before stopping her loudly as she started writing out a list of things to do. "Wait! I should-uh...probably talk to Draco about this first."

"To make sure he wants to make a scene," she tittered.

"No, it's Malfoy," he said emphatically, "he always wants to make a scene. I just want to make sure he wants to marry me again. Lucius won't be there this time and I know how much that meant to him last time to have his father's blessing. He'll think I've just been waiting for Lucius to die before bringing it up again and making a proper show of it all."

Harry shouldn't have been surprised a few hours later when he was speaking to the blonde and he narrowed his eyes at him and spoke as if he had been listening in all morning.

"Is this because father's dead?" Draco asked very carefully with his arms crossed, staring at his husband from across his desk.

"No. I just thought- I mean, since we're telling people now..."

"We told people before," the blonde said defensively, using Harry's same argument from before.

"I mean the papers and anyone at work who asks. Draco, I love you, you know that, but I've wanted to share us with the world for so long that now that I can..." he walked around Draco's desk, where the man stood domineering at his window, to pull the blonde closer to him. "I want to shout it from the rooftops. I want to set a sonorous charm and go off, I guess."

"You romantic sod," said Draco finally, pulling Harry in for a kiss just as the door to his office vibrated with the sound of an excited knock and they pulled apart rolling their eyes. "It's Travis," the pale man said by way of explanation.

"Of course it is," said Harry too happy to really be annoyed. "I have to get back to work anyway. I'll be back down here in maybe an hour for lunch. Oh! I almost forgot, Hermione and the Lovegood-Scamander-Weasley trio want to help with planning the whole thing."

"And Pansy," Draco said and Harry nodded.

"And Pansy," he agreed.

"Well obviously," he said as Harry walked towards the door where Travis had knocked again, "they all have a talent for planning things."

"That's one way to put it," Harry said, finally opening the door and making his way out. "Hello, Travis. Goodbye, Travis. Lunch in an hour, Malfoy."

"Will my husband be paying for it?" Draco said with a look of genuine concern that made Harry snort out a laugh.

"I'm sure he could be convinced. I've heard you're very persuasive when you need to be."

"Oh, absolutely. I understand that it's one of my best qualities."

"It's what makes you such a bloody pain in my arse half the time," Harry said easily forgetting Travis was there when Draco looked so pleased with himself. "I wish I could hex that bloody smirk off your face, git."

"So you are paying for lunch, then? Brilliant," said Draco with that self-satisfied look still on his face. "Off you pop. Auror business, remember, Potter?"

"Prat," he said before finally walking out and closing the doors behind him. It took him the entire hour before lunch and his walk back to his husband's office to realize they had somewhat come out about their marriage to Travis and he laughed so hard at his own obliviousness that he almost cried and had to apologize to Melinda Zokran who worked in one of cubicles near Draco's office, but he still felt giddy as he waited in his husband's office for the man to return from a meeting.

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