The Reaping

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Chloe's Pov
I never knew about the repealing and why we were separated. Until today that is.
The Dance Nation is divided into separate parts. Each section has some sort of special ability and addition to the dance world. Some take it as careers and others choose to train to fight in the Dance Survival. My mom Christi told me about it. 20 people each year are reaped to fight. This is no Hunger Games, their are no weapons, but surviving is the only thing that people have on their minds. Everyone goes through tough challenges. You get something if you win. If you lose? Well let's just say you don't compete ever again. It's the 4th annual Dance Survival. I am part of the lyrical fraction which means our reaping is tonight. I am worried since now that I'm 13 I am eligible to get picked. My worst fear is the careers. Careers train and dance their whole life just to volunteer.
"Chloe! Hurry up! The guards are coming if we aren't out of here then we will face some punishments." Christi hollers.
My sister Clara comes even though she is to young to be reaped.
We walk down to town square and gather with hundreds of people. The person on the stage starts talking.
"... Now I will start the reaping! Just so you guys know, my name is Iggy. I will now pick 2 dancers to participate! First we have... Maddie Ziegler!"
The crowd sadly looks to see their best dancer leave.
"My second representor is... Chloe Lukasiak!"
I can't believe what I hear. Can it really be? Slowly, people turn to me and we worst fear is confirmed. I'm in the Dance Survival.
I look over to my mom who is crying. Clara is to young to understand but a dread fills her eyes. I start walking and I see my boyfriend. His name is David. He was never really a dancer but he made the best costumes. He was a secret since we aren't allowed to date out of our fraction.
I reach the stage and Maddie hugs me. I didn't want her to but I guess we are all each have got. We are both going to lose so I don't see the reason not to go down in a loving memory.
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