Chapter Two

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What did I just read? She's asking me to email her? For real!? Nuh uh. I can't do this. What if I say the wrong thing? What if it's just a one time thing? Are we buddies now? Why does she even care? Do I try to keep the conversation going? Is Austin going to get mad if I respond? Should I respond? What do I say?

So many thoughts raced through my head in one moment, I felt like my head was about to explode. And then, much worsening the situation, my mom called me down for dinner. "No, no, no," I whispered to myself, "Not now, mom. Talk about bad timing..." I stared more intently at the email, dismissing the call and desperately searching my mind for the right words to say in response. My swirling turmoil of thoughts was once again interrupted, this time by my little brother, Dustin, bursting into my room.

I jumped about a foot in the air at my brother's voice. "Ash, it's time to eat!" He exclaimed excitedly. I hastily shut the lid of my computer and nodded at him with a forced smile. "Sweet! Thanks bud," I told him, ruffling his hair as I walked past him. He giggled and followed close behind. I inwardly sighed, willing myself not to scream in frustration and panic. What if I took too long to respond? I mean, it's not like she can see if I've read it or anything, but what if she thinks I just ignored it because her boyfriend is such a douche? Surely she knows I would never do that to anyone.

Dustin and I entered the kitchen side by side. My parents were bustling about, setting plates and forks in front of each seat. Already there was pasta and a salad set in the middle of the table, ready to be divided up among our small little family. My dad looked up at me and smiled. "Hey there, Ash," He chirped. I smiled back and sat down in my usual seat. Payson, the family border collie puppy, sat next to me on the floor. He stared up at me, drooling, whimpering, and whining for a scrap of food. All I did was chuckle and rub his head lovingly. Poor pup. It was as if he'd never been fed before.

Dustin took the seat next to me, as per usual, and smiled over at his best friend who was still begging on the floor. "Payson!" He called in a baby voice, "C'mere boy!" Payson perked his ears and scrambled over to Dustin without hesitation. Now having his puppy within arm distance, Dustin reached down and pet him. Payson had a look of sheer betrayal on his face. It was evident he was expecting food. Dustin and I laughed as our parents finally sat down to join us for dinner.

"Alright you two," My mom began, "You have to eat at least two spoonfuls of pasta and a handful of salad. Dustin nodded in agreement while I eagerly heaped pasta onto my plate. This was my favorite meal. We passed the food around, and when finally everything had settled, my dad spoke. "So, Ash, how are your guitar lessons going?" He inquired. While I finished chewing what was in my mouth, I shrugged, then replied, "Really good I guess. Still kind of shaky on my rhythms when it comes to composing though." My dad rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, Ash. You can play the guitar flawlessly and you're already starting to compose. I'd call that pretty darn good. Don't be so modest," He scolded. I shrugged and shoveled another forkful of pasta into my mouth.

The rest of the dinner went on, and unless my name was said, I tuned everything else. All I could think about was that email from Kayda. My chance to set things in motion, but also my chance to screw things up forever. God, this dinner seemed to be dragging on forever. If I took too long to respond, would she think I was being rude? Geez, how long does it take my brother to eat his salad.

There is a rule in our family. No one can leave the dinner table, except to refill their water or go to the bathroom or something, until everyone is done eating. This helps strengthen our family bond...or some shit. But honestly, it just drives me crazy. I could be working on homework, or guitar, or heck, replying to an email from a really cute girl, while my brother sits here dinking around with his leafy greens. Instead, I have to watch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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