Chapter 8

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"Tony what the hell are you doing"Steve practically shouted when he saw him get into the car. He saw Tony go outside and he followed him and now here he was trying to get him out of a race car that he's not even suppose to be driving "Get out of that car right now" but Tony just smiled and gave him a thumbs up before driving off. "When he stops don't let him go back out there" Steve told one of the guys wearing the blue that matched Tony's driving suit. They nodded before turning their head back to the road in front of them. Out on the track he saw someone walking out in to the middle of the track. The top part of his suit practically melted off of him revealing a chest piece not unlike Tony's and electric whips. He watched the man split a car in half causing it to flip multiple times with the driver still inside. He wouldn't be able to get on the track unless he jumped over the gate it's not like he hasn't made a jump that far before but he would need a running start. Walking backwards he picked a good spot to get a start. He ran forward and jumped over the fence and landed on his feet in the middle of the track. He saw him slash Tony's car and ran forward when it was upside down in the air and waited for it to be right side up to catch it. He was wrist deep in metal bits and wires from the car. His feet burned against the track trying to keep himself up right. With all of his strength he began to gently place the car back on the track. Once it was placed on the floor he immediately went over to help Tony out of the car.

"What are you doing" Tony yelled

"What am I doing I'm saving your ass from being killed on a race car track" Steve yelled back and both of their heads whipped around when they heard a huge explosion.

Tony took a piece of one of the cars and went up behind him and hit him in the head. He managed to dodge everyone of his whips but was tripped when he got near a car. He laid still for a moment then moved once the whip made contact with the car. Steve who was still standing by Tony's car ripped off the door and threw it like it was his shield. He sent him to the floor and ran over to Tony who was patting a fire away on his arm. The man stood up but Happy and Pepper drove in and Steve threw himself and Tony onto the gate wall to avoid being hit. Tony dropped down from the wall and went over to the drivers side.

"Were you aiming for me or him cause I can't tell"Tony yelled

"Are you out of your mind" Pepper screamed. While they were all arguing the man took it as an opportunity to go after Steve. Aiming one of his whips at his torso he only managed to get a small piece of it but it fucking hurt. His hands automatically went to his side covering the wound up. He felt blood poor out from in between his fingers. Lifting his hands his shirt was already soaked through with blood. Using Steve's distraction to his advantage he threw the whips at Steve's feet and he fell the the floor. He hit his head on the concrete and he vaguely heard Tony now yelling frantically about a case and how he needed to beat this mother fuckers ass before he fell out of consciousness.

Minutes that's all he was out for. He wakes up and sees one of the whips wrapped around Tony's suit encased body then Tony is wrapping himself up in the whips throwing a few powerful punches before wrapping the chest piece out and flipping him on the floor. Tony never once looks away from the chest piece even as the man is being dragged away and yelling at him. He crushes it in his palm and begins to walk over to Steve.

"Hey big guy" he says "that was quite a fall"

"I got distracted and he tripped me. Hit my head a little but it's nothing the serum won't fix." Steve answered

"Move your hand" Tony says his metal hand nudging Steve's hand away. Lifting his hand it's covered in a layer of his own blood and Tony gets a little sick upon seeing it.

"See serum is already healing it nothing to worry about" Steve says

"Can you at least get it bandaged up before we go" Tony asks and Steve smiles before nodding.

Walking towards the cell where they've placed him Tony stops once they reach the door.

"Stay here" Tony says

"No" Steve rejects"I'm going in but I promise I'll be quiet and let you do all of the talking"

"Fine" Tony relents not really wanting to argue. The doors opens and they're let in doors making a loud boom as they close. Steve stands by the wall near the door and Tony walks forward.

"Pretty decent tech" he says sitting on the opposite side of the bench from him and Steve pulls away from leaning on the wall "I don't get you could've sold it for a pretty penny to someone in North Korea,China,Iran, or you could've gone to the black market. You look like you got friends in those places"

"You come from a family of thief's and butchers and now like all guilty men you try to rewrite your own history"The man says speaking for one of the first times "and you forget all the lives the stark family has destroyed"

"Speaking of thieves where did you get this design" Tony asks changing the subject

"My father Anton Vanko" he answers

"Well I've never heard of him" Tony says

"My father is the reason your alive" he says motioning his jaw to Tony's chest. "Your boy over here" he moves his head gesturing to Steve "will weep buckets over your corpse"

"The reason I'm alive is because you had a shot you took it and you missed" Tony fires back quickly

"Did I" He asks

"If you can make god bleed then people will cease to believe in him and there will be blood in the water and the sharks will come. All I have to do is sit here and watch as the world consumes you"

"Where will you be watching the world consume me from" Tony questions "that's right a prison cell. I'll send you a bar of soap" Tony gets up and motions Steve that it's time to leave. Steve goes first and Tony is just about to leave when Vanko's voice stops him "Hey Tony before you go palladium to the chest painful way to die" Tony walks out door slammed behind him.

He walks into the living area of the plane and Steve and Pepper are watching TV with Senator Stern speaking.

"Mute" he says walking into the room

"There you are" Steve says quietly and Tony walks over before he sits and leans his body against Steve. "Where have you been"

"Just working on some stuff" Tony lies he just drank two full bottles of that nasty drink and replaced his core. His rendezvous with Vanko shot his toxicity up 15%.

"Tony what are you not telling me" Steve asks

"I don't want to go home at all" Tony admits "Cancel my birthday party let's go to Venice Steve you'll love it there. Pep remember when we went" Tony asks

"Yes yes I do" She answers letting herself being pulled into those memories.

"Then let's go"Tony says "We all need time to regroup and it's a great place to be healthy. Pep you got some vacation time."

"A vacation at a time like this"Pepper asks

"Just a regroup so we can charge our batteries" Tony says

"Not all of us run on batteries Tony" Pepper says softly before exiting the room and Tony gives a sad smile.

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