Goofy Ass

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Erik Killmonger x Reader

AN: This one's for my shy, awkward and weird bitches. In the fics I read all the girls is always this super sexy, confident goddess. And even tho I agree with the concept a bitch can't really relate LMFAO! Like I'm so awkward and shy I don't have the confidence to be doing all that sexy freaky shit, I get embarrassed just writing smut sometimes. So I decided to pair Erik with a bitch like me, the mc is basically me y'all. Soo hopefully y'all enjoy this, cause I liked writing it a lot. 

Warnings: Cursing and shit!!!

You untwisted your last bantu knot and ran your fingers through the curl to unravel it the way you wanted to.  Once satisfied, you dropped your heavy arms to your sides and let out a sigh of relief. Taking those out always took so fucking long. But you had to admit, your hair looked great, I guess all those long hours you stayed in your mom's hair salon watching her work her magic on all the ladies in the neighborhood heads paid off well.  You left the bathroom and shuffled reluctantly into your bedroom. Makeup: check. Hair: check. The last thing to do was get dressed. You groaned as you stared at the box laying on the bed. You rolled your eyes and flung the lid off and on to the fur rug that lay across the floor. You stared down at the black lace lingerie you ordered about a week ago. 

You had been planning this for a while. Erik's birthday. You knew you wanted to do something special for him, and this was the thing you knew he'd want the most. You. With your face beat, hair did, and in something extremely sexy. This might not seem like a grand gesture to most girls but the thing was you were the biggest tomboy ever. Oversized hoodies and ripped jeans were more your suit and you usually just would wash your hair and rock it natural or wrap it up in a scarf. The sexiest thing you've ever worn were his boxers and t-shirt in bed. You didn't mind makeup at all but you only wore it every now and then, especially because that shit was expensive.  And Erik loved that about you, you didn't try to hard to look like these Instagram models. But he did complain that he'd like to see a little more of your sexy side. And you hated to admit it but he was kinda right. You were lacking in the sexy department. It wasn't like you didn't wanna be more sexy with him, it was just the fact that you were so fucking awkward. You grew up with a twin brother who taught you how to fight and skateboard. He taught you how to play Jimmy Hendrix's song on his guitar and showed you how to properly roll a blunt. You loved your mom but would rather die than ask her advice on shit like this. So you just never learned. But you loved Erik and knew that he deserved a little more effort from you. And it was his birthday after all. So you set your pride aside for a moment and slipped out of your sweatpants. You removed your t-shirt and hesitantly reached for the lingerie. You heald it up in front of you, it was soft and silky and felt nice in your hands but you worried you wouldn't pull it off properly. You tried not to think about it as you slipped it on. You did you best to avoid the mirror, not even wanting to see your reflection, you thought that if you saw yourself you'd chicken out. There was one last thing you needed. Heels, you weren't gonna put those on until the last minute cause you knew you couldn't walk very well in them, they were just for show. You slipped them on, they were only 3in heels but it took you a minute to get used to them. You looked at the time. SHIT! Erik would be home any minute now. You marched into the kitchen, wobbling as you go, and took the cake out the fridge. It was strawberry shortcake, you and Erik's favorite. You got out candles and lit them before dimming the lights, just in time to hear Erik's car pull up the driveway. Your heart rate spiked as you instinctively started biting your lip, stopping abruptly when you remembered you were wearing lipstick, you cursed under your breath and prayed none got on your teeth. You licked them just to be safe. You heard the front door close and seconds later he was calling your name. "Babe, you home? Why all the lights out, I know I just paid Con Edison." He almost walked past the kitchen before he noticed the small light coming from the candles on the cake, and backpedaled. You started singing happy birthday slow and smoothly as he walked up to you, an ear-splitting grin on his face. "Make a wish baby," you said once you were done singing. He leaned down and closed his eyes, it was quiet for a few seconds before he finally blew out the candles, leaving you in darkness, he flicked the kitchen lights on, knowing exactly where the switch was and you squinted your eyes as they adjusted to the brightness. You set the cake down and gave him a kiss. You felt his arms sling around your waist as he pulled you closer. You breathed in his scent and savored the taste of his lips before you parted from them, you opened your eyes to find him staring at you in surprise. "What's wrong?" He takes your hand and spins you around. "Look at you ma!" You completely forgot you were all done up. Blood rushed to your cheeks and heated them as he twirled you around, his eyes never leaving your body. "Happy birthday!" You said, bringing your lips back to his in a passionate kiss. "Want some cake?" before he even answered you went into your silverware drawer and grabbed a knife, cutting into the cake. "You want the middle piece or the end?" You looked up at him, but his eyes were already on you. "Fuck the cake, I want a piece of you shawty." He walked up to you slowly, his soft brown eyes darkened with lust. You dropped the knife, letting it clatter on the table. He wasted no time bringing his lips to your neck, sucking and biting along your throat up to your jawline. As amazing as his lips felt against your skin you had other plans for the night. You regretfully pulled away. "Not yet, I've got another surprise for you, follow me." He quirked a curious eyebrow at you as an amused grin spread across his full lips. He followed you out of the kitchen without a word as you led him into your bedroom. You couldn't stop the giddiness filling you up as you entered your room. He watched you, his smile mirroring yours. "Sit." You said as you pointed to the edge of the bed. He shot you another curious look but obeyed your request. "Bossy, I like it." He said with a mischievous smirk. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your phone, connecting it to the Bluetooth speakers. Soon 'Pony' by Ginuwine spilled from the speakers. Erik released a hearty laugh once he realized what was happening. You started dancing sensually or at least doing your best to look as seductive and sexy as possible. You caressed your thighs as you swayed your hips to the beat. Erik gave a nod of approval, boosting your confidence. You had no idea what you were doing, you were just going with the flow of the song and trying to do what felt right, though none of this felt natural to you. In the middle of your sexy dance, you decided to spin around, showing yourself off once more for him, but you spun a little to fast and ended up losing balance in your heels, you fell on the rug, thankful for it softening your fall. "Oh babe!" Erik said through laughter. "I don't mean to laugh but shit!" He said chuckling. "You alright?" You couldn't help but laugh with him. You nodded Even though you just busted your ass you were having a lot of fun. He beamed at you. "You know you're too much, bring your goofy ass over here." You kicked off the stupid heels and got to your knees. slowly crawling slowly over to Erik. Once you were in between his legs you looked up at him through your lashes. Grabbing his thighs, you used them to push you up and on to his lap. He grabbed your waist and you leaned down, bringing your lips to his. He pulled you closer and deepened the kiss, moving his tongue against yours. You moaned against his lip as you grabbed a fist full of his dreads. "How'd you like your little surprise?" You whispered to him one you finally separated. He smiled against your lips. "I never thought I'd see you like this" He ran his hands across your lingerie. "You know I love you just the way you are, but shit, a nigga could get used to this." You rolled your eyes and playfully slapped his arms. "Well don't!" You laughed. "This is for special occasions. I'm not busting my ass again." He laughed again. "Yeah, you hit the floor pretty hard." You rolled your eyes but grinned. "I love your goofy ass, you know that? Thank you for real, you stepped out of your comfort zone for me, that means a lot." He said, his tone a little more serious. You nodded. "I love your crazy ass too. Happy birthday Erik." He smiled and kissed you again, and again, and again. 

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