A/N #3

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Hey, ya'll.

I apologize for the wait of the new chapters, I just hadn't been typing lately.  I shouldn't say lately, in fact I hadn't been on the computer at all.  For the most of you, school is probably over or almost over.  since school is almost over, there are not a lot of work going around my school, there's more fun activities actually.  Which I am...to be honest, have no emotion about.  

I am not going to lie, but my asian parent puts a lot and I mean A LOT of pressure on me.  The pressure just kinda consume me.  Which is why I hadn't been able to type.  I am also ready to visit my grandparent from another country.  Which means I'll be in another country for a month, I am not sure when I'll come back , but from my parents, I believe it will be the middle of August. Which means I have to prepare for that.  I am not sure if I can still type stories out of state, but I'll try for you all.

If I survive, I will let you all know, if I don't I am sure someone can type for me.

... Sorry for complaining.  I didn't mean to.  But even though I told you guys somethings, there are still a lot of things that are still occurring that I dislike but didn't tell anyone yet.  Hope you guys will understand and be patient with me... 

Truely sorry, I will go now.  But I'll make sure to be typing more often now.  Thanks for your time. Bye

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